1.你要让我下不了台,我就让你连上台的机会都没有。 2.我看准你时,你就是玻璃杯;我放手时,你就是玻璃渣。 3.我吃我的零食,我长我的肉,关你什么事,你是嫉妒,还是羡慕。 4.人不犯我、我不犯人、人若犯我、礼让三分、一犯再犯、斩草除根。 5.我没你能混,没你好看,但至少我人比你干净。 6.你有多长的头发卷多大的弯,有多大的能耐办多大的事。 7.分手后的他好太沉重,在某种程度上同等于生疏。 8.小荷才露尖尖角,将来长成大馒头! 9.headpic最好不要用自己的照片,那样他下线了多不吉利。10。我只有一场青春,我不想辜负任何人,你真 我就真。
11.is mine, you better not touch it.
12.if you use your grades to measure my feelings for you, then please give me a full score.
13.one sight and I fall in love, the clock is not love but face.
14.i am home because i am too cute to be outside for too long.
15.don't argue with me, i will scare you badly.
16.when are you getting married? I'm waiting for grandchildren!
17.if you like to take eight points out of ten, then keep two points of self-respect for yourself, i love you but i also need to love myself.
18.give me some cheap emotions and don't waste them on me!
19.not smoking won't kill you but it's harder than death itself.
20.i hold a knife in my hand and can't hug you; if i put down the knife, i can't protect you either.
21.treat me as human when we're together; it's better this way.
22.you like being carefree? Just don't get drowned.
23.do know what kind of fish you are? You're excess baggage.
24.listening to music still hurts; it's painful or hard to let go.
25.don't cry at my grave after I'm gone; dirty up the road that brings back my spirit.
26.don't ask about me; living well and playing safely is more stable than any relationship.
27.now that hair style doesn’t matter how much shampoo used – it won’t bring back that confident look from before.
28.calling what happened just a few words apart real feelings isn’t even worth calling feelings at all.
29.the highest state of eating buffet is: lift in with pride and lift out without shame.
30.death may not be scary but being afraid to die is terrifying itself.
31.i do love him/her but this thing has passed now.
32.some stinky fish gathering around think they’re adored by everyone just because he/she’s surrounded?
33.you can never make everyone happy since not everyone is human themselves.
34.when encountering something disgusting, learn how to stay calm and composed – there are so many types of vile people in this world