1.你要让我下不了台,我就让你连上台的机会都没有。 2.我看准你时,你就是玻璃杯;我放手时,你就是玻璃渣。 3.我吃我的零食,我长我的肉,关你什么事,你是嫉妒,还是羡慕。 4.人不犯我、我不犯人、人若犯我、礼让三分、一犯再犯、斩草除根。 5.我没你能混,没你好看,但至少我人比你干净。 6.你有多长的头发卷多大的弯,有多大的能耐办多大的事。 7.分手后的他好太沉重,在某种程度上同等于生疏。 8.小荷才露尖尖角,将来长成大馒头! 9.head像最好不要用自己的照片,那样他下线了多不吉利。
10.my只有一场青春,我不想辜负任何人,你真my就真。我把所有对你的感情都写在这句话里,如果这不能满足你的,请问还有什么可以做吗?11.is my own,you don't touch it.Not is my own, you put it back where you found it.
12.if you use your grades to measure the depth of my feelings for you, then please give me a perfect score.I know I'm not perfect, but I'm trying to be better than yesterday.
13.one sight and we fall in love, the clock isn't love, it's face.The moment I saw him, he stole my heart.
14.i am home because i am too cute to be outside for too long.I just want to stay at home and play with him.
15.don't argue with me about this,i will scare you so much.i don't want anyone else to disagree with me on this matter.
16.when are you getting married?I'm waiting for grandchildren soon!i hope he understands that i need someone who can take care of me when i get older.
17.if you like something that takes up eight parts of your life, then leave two parts for self-respect,i love him but i also need to love myself.self-love is important too!
18.give me some cheap emotions,i don't want them!i deserve better than cheap feelings from someone like him.
19.not smoking won't kill us,but feeling miserable afterwards will.i hate how hard it is to quit smoking!
20.holding a knife without being able to hug him,it's useless.putting down the knife means giving up protecting him.also useless!
21.treat me as a human being and try not to annoy me.please remember that humans have feelings too!
22.enjoying waves without drowning in them is fine.just enjoy the ride and don't worry about anything else!
23.do you know what kind of fish i am?i'm excess baggage.in his eyes, he's just an unnecessary burden.
24.listening to music still hurts,a lot.sometimes even memories can hurt so much.it hurts more than any physical pain could ever be.
25.don't cry over my grave,because crying here will only make things worse.on this journey through reincarnation or whatever afterlife there may be,crying only makes things harder.
26.stop asking about me;i live a better life than yours,and have more stable relationships.there's no point comparing ourselves anyway.
27.no matter how many hair products they use,this hairstyle doesn't bring back the confidence from before.confidence comes from within.
28.a relationship that ends because someone says a few words isn'called an emotional bond.at least make an effort!
29.the highest level of enjoying buffet food is simply:putting food on your plate,taking food off your plate.eat until satisfied!
30.death itself isn'frightening,it's living without courage.the fear lies in living such a cowardly life!
31.i do care aboutyou,but this has passed.now let bygones be bygones.
32.some people surrounding us thinking we're special,makes us feel loved.it feels good when others appreciate our efforts.
33.you cannot satisfy everyone,because not everyone deserves respect.to those who donot deserve respect,say "no" firmly!
34.when faced with disgusting situations learn detachment.from now on focus on yourself.'