
  • 节日说说
  • 2025年02月16日
  • 关于讲理老公:你不讲理。老婆:和你我从来就没讲过理,家就不是讲理的地方。再说你是男的,还比我大8个月呢,你就得让着我。 关于钱老公:以后我挣的钱,按比例给你吧,我挣的多时留得也多一点,这样我较会有积极性。老婆:好。老公:那我给你百分之多少?老婆:百分之一百二。 关于主意老婆:咱们出去玩吧。老公:好,你说去哪就去哪。老婆:我要有主意还和你说!老公:我出的主意你从来都不同意呀。 老婆




关于主意老婆:咱们出去玩吧。老公:好,你说去哪就去哪。老婆:我要有主意还和你说!老公:我出的主意你从来都不同意呀。 老婆:“你的‘主意’根本就是敷衍!”只有直到让我满意,你才能算是真正地出了一次“主意”。

关于中心老婆:在我们家一直是我中心,在你们家也得以我为中心。 老公:“那在我们家也一直是我中心。” 老婆:“可我的‘中心’比你的重要。” 老公:“为什么?” 老 婦:“因为我的‘中心’是千金,而你的只是一位小子。”



关于拿东西old wife: 这个袋子您也拿起来吧。我已经拿了四个了,您什么都不带,是不是有点不好意思?old wife: 哎,那么大的背影,我还抱着呢!您的体重超过100斤,而我的包里却比您多带了很多东西。

About Eating old wife; 我吃了一半话梅挺好的,就剩下给您吃吧。你竟然嫌弃了!

About Drinking Water old wife; 我要喝水啦! 您给我倒一下水嘛。这水杯就在您的面前,您怎么还看不到呢?

About Calling old wife; 你为什么不打电话给我呀? 你倒推过来!今天不是约定好由谁打电话吗? 结果等了一天还是由他打来的。我改变想法了,女人有权改变想法啊!

About Washing Dishes old husband: 还没洗完盘子哦。你慢慢来,不用急。一会儿洗完之后,我们一起放松放松如何?

old wife: 但是我头疼……每当想到洗碗,我都会感到头痛。如果没有这种感觉,也许我们的生活质量就会提高一些。

about Going for a Walk old husband: 咱们走到马路口边吧。那太远啦,一点儿走不过去了。

old wife: 没事儿,有时候到了地方,只需要一个人回来可以哦~

about Doing Housework old husband: 咱们把工作分开做吧。你负责外面的脏活累活,比如擦地板、刷马桶、擦桌子等等。而内务工作则由女主人负责,如买菜、交电费、取报纸和牛奶等。

old wife: 男人外出接触社会,女人在家照顾家庭,这才是一个健康合适的家庭结构。不过厨房里的油烟对皮肤不好,所以做饭也是男人该做的事。

about Male Friends and Female Friends

I can have male friends, but you cannot interfere with me. Husband replied, "Fine, I'll also get female friends." Wife retorted, "No way! You cannot do what I can do. Having male friends is not the same as having female friends."

Husband said confidently that he would never have an affair. Wife asked him why and he replied firmly that even if she were to become difficult to handle in the future, he would still not risk losing her.

In bed (one) Husband grumbled about his small body being covered by her large frame while sleeping. Old Wife retorted that she needed space to stretch and turn over during sleep too.

In bed (two) The couple decided which blanket to use for their shared sleeping space. The Husband insisted on keeping separate blankets out of concern that the warmth from hers would envelop him entirely during sleep.

Wife complained about waking up late when they had agreed earlier to wake up early together for a meeting or appointment. She was annoyed at how her partner did not call her when it was time to wake up.

During meals

The conversation began with the Wife asking where they should go eat dinner and suggesting leaving it up to her decision since she always made decisions anyway.

Husband proposed eating at a particular restaurant but the Wife responded negatively as this was becoming routine in their relationship.

She demanded more creativity in choosing dining places so as not to feel frustrated every time.

The Husband acquiesced eventually agreeing on where they could eat based on his understanding of what pleased his better half.

On equality between men and women

Both parties acknowledged that marriage is built upon mutual respect and trust between partners who are equal yet complementary.

Their love story revolves around constant banter filled with humor rather than bitterness or anger because both understand each other's strengths & weaknesses well enough so there's no need for either one of them trying hard anymore – life just feels perfect like this way!

Asking if marrying me has brought happiness into your life... The response came back negative - my stubbornness doesn't allow our marriage be easy-going like others'. So let us cherish these moments amidst chaos within our own family dynamics until we reach another milestone together someday soon enough...