
  • 节日说说
  • 2025年01月24日
  • 1.美丽的一天让我过得如此糟糕,是我错了还是今天不够美丽?2.我们可以失望,但不能盲目地前行。3.幸福始终充满着缺憾与瑕疵。4.或许快乐太单纯,所以容易被打破!5.该笑的时候没有真正的快乐,该哭泣的时候没有流出的眼泪,该相信的时候没有坚守的诺言。6.我微笑,在任何我难过或者快乐的时刻,我只剩下这份坚定的微笑。7.如果有过幸福,幸福只是瞬间闪现的片段,一小段、一小段,留在记忆中永远温暖。我曾经拥有





10.I don't want to be a footnote in your life; I long to be the perfect ending you've been searching for...11.I suddenly realized that I am a magnificent puppet, performing all the joys and sorrows of this world, yet unable to escape from the silver strings that control me...

12.Some things aren't about working hard enough but rather being resolute.

13.Life is a chapter filled with regrets because she never gives you the chance to revise her mistakes.

14.My happiness is made up of small, insignificant things.

15.Anything can become simple as long as you're willing and content.

16.A fleeting moment, an eternity of time.

17.Sometimes emotions are just personal matters unrelated to anyone else's feelings or judgments.

18.Pain is only given by others as shame; it's my own illusion!

19.I'm probably just a bird, always on guard and rarely staying still, so I keep flying away...

20.My world is one of silence and emptiness, unable to accommodate others' presence or voices.

21.As someone once said, love isn't hate nor indifference – it's indifference that means no room for another in your heart anymore nor any thought left behind.

22.If you know how this story ends – either speak out or pretend not to know.

23.Walking over mountains high and low; experiencing wind after wind and rain after rain; gaining some but losing more than tears; cherishing every smile!

24.Leaving leaves aren't driven by winds chasing them nor held back by trees yearning for them – they're part of fate's plan.

25.Hugs are such strange things – we stand so close yet cannot see each other's faces.

26.Marriage: The Graveyard Of Love (If Not Married Then Love Is Dead)