8.some people are destined to only appear in your memories, but never by your side in reality.
9.The world doesn't care about your suffering; it will only mock your weaknesses.
10.When you need support the most, you'll find that those around you have already left you behind.
11.Friends are not eternal; they're just temporary companions who come and go as they please.
12.Happiness is not a constant state of being; it's a rare and fleeting moment.
13.Don't be too kind to others, because the world has too much fake kindness already.
14.Giving too much to others will only make you more lost and alone in the end.
15.Success often hides behind countless failures and setbacks.
16.No one will lend a helping hand when you need it most; only yourself can save yourself from this abyss of despair.
17.The world is unfair, with no equal opportunities for all – success comes from both effort and chance encounters.
18.True loneliness isn't about having no one by your side; it's about being unable to truly connect with anyone else.
19.Disappointment often stems from expecting too much from others.
20.Love is not eternal; it's just a brief infatuation that fades away like sand between fingers.
21.The more effort you put into something, the easier it becomes for others to exploit that effort for their own gain.
22.There's nothing in life worth sacrificing everything for – no matter how hard we try or how far we reach outwards
23.Be true to yourself rather than relying on others' recognition or praise
24.Live realistically – don't let fantasies consume every waking thought
25.Money can solve some problems but create even more new ones if absent
26.The sound of breaking hearts is quieter than any other noise
27.Life won't follow our plans - its twists & turns are unpredictable & uncontrollable
28.A relationship's depth does NOT determine whether someone values/cherishes another person
29.Isolation is an undeniable fact: Even among crowds people may feel empty inside
30.One of life's greatest pains: knowing someone doesn’t love us yet pretending otherwise remains normal