2."你叫什么名字?" "我叫伍万里,第六百七十七名。”
3."祖国是什么?" "当我站在鸭绿江边,看着对岸炮火闪烁的时候,我身后的背后,就是那片广袤无垠的祖国地平线。"
6."我们是否已经被发现了?" "不,我们必须继续进攻!因为胜利属于那些不断前进的人们。"
9"Why do you want to be a soldier? Is it just to impress your brother? That's nothing! The real strength lies in being respected by your enemies!"
10"Our leader told us that we've already fought all the battles that needed fighting, so you don't have to."
11."Living is really great!" 这句话来自一个知道自己即将面临死亡,但仍然珍惜每一分每秒的人。
12.The American Polar Bear Team is said to be their ace card; let them see how hard our fist is.
13"Do you know what Seventh Company means?" They've risen from the sea of corpses and blood countless times, carrying their wounded comrades and looking at the tattered company flag. Thousands of soldiers and horses shout victory and hurray, but Seventh Company remains silent. It only buries its fallen friends, covers their wounds, and tells itself it has made it through another day.
14"We've fought all the battles we should have," they say with pride. "Our future generations won't have to fight anymore."
15"If an egg is cracked open from the outside, it's destined for someone else's plate; but if cracked open from within... maybe it'll hatch into an eagle."
16.A single egg cracked open on the outside usually ends up being devoured by others; but crack one from within... who knows, maybe it will become an eagle.
17.They are about to face off against a team equipped with world-class weapons.
18.Battle will be extremely tough but we must strive for victory.
19.Hit me hard!
20.Second squad fires rightward while fourth squad fires leftward!
21.Listen up! Protect radio operators and translators first before retreating!
22.Listen up! All units prepare for evacuation by vehicle!
23.The mountains know me; rivers know me; my motherland will never forget me.
24"You're going to war with me?"