
  • 男生说说
  • 2025年01月03日
  • 1.在他们的生命里,留下了永恒的印记——一串串刻骨铭心的数字,每一个都是对后人最深切的承诺。这些英雄们,是铁石心肠,也是无畏战火、勇往直前的卫士,他们用自己的血肉筑起了一座座永恒的纪念碑。 2."你叫什么名字?" "我叫伍万里,第六百七十七名。" 3."当我站在鸭绿江边,看着对岸炮火闪烁的时候,我背后的,就是祖国。" 4."如今



2."你叫什么名字?" "我叫伍万里,第六百七十七名。"




6."我们被发现了吗?" "不,我们要发动进攻!"



9"Why do you want to be a soldier?" "I want my brother to look up to me!" That's nothing, it's the enemy who should fear you!

10.The old leader said, "We've fought all the battles we should have, so you don't need to."

11.Living is truly wonderful.

12.The American polar bear team claims to be their ace unit; let them see how hard our fists are.

13.Do you know about the Seventh Company? Do you know how many times they've crawled out of the sea of corpses and blood, carrying their wounded comrades and looking at the tattered company flag? Thousands of soldiers and horses shout victory and hurray, but the Seventh Company remains silent. They just bury their comrades, cover their wounds, and tell themselves that they've made it through again. They still have to fight on.

14.We've fought all the battles we should have; our future generations won't have to fight anymore.

15.A egg that cracks from outside is destined for consumption; if it breaks from within, maybe it'll hatch into an eagle.

16.An egg cracked from outside is mostly eaten; if it cracks from within, there's a chance it might become an eagle.

17.We will face off against the world's best-equipped US team.

18.Fighting will be extremely tough but we must strive for victory.

19.Hit me hard!

20.First row second row fire right flank third row fourth row fire left flank

21.Order: Protect radio operators and translators first before retreating! Order: Board vehicles immediately!

22.Order: Listen up! Each department board your vehicles!

23.The mountain knows me; rivers know me too; my country will never forget me.

24.Brother,"I'm going into battle with you!"

25"What's your name?" "I am Wuma Li of 677th rank".
