1.近天天发脾气,心态不知如何调适,一人带娃还需忙碌至何时?2.带孩子而焦头烂额,工作上难以突破寻找未来之路,常感身心疲惫迷茫无助。3.带娃确实超级累尤其无助于照应,加油吧麻麻!4.带娃真心累,没有谅我,只有自己的亲娘。所有男人都是一德行,我只希望自己能够强大,不再依赖任何人!5.宝宝随大部队一同前行,每天忙完后想哭却又舍不得。6.长辈们都太忙没空帮忙,一直要自己单独带娃累炸了。7.今晚宝贝乖巧九点睡了,我悠闲偷乐。我发现是不是带小孩的妈妈脾气都会变得暴躁?8.每天电脑通知如雨下班回家接着处理工作与孩子,一日三餐耗尽体力崩溃9.every day i feel so tired, it's not just the child rearing that is exhausting, but also my mental state needs to be changed10.bringing up a child on an outing is really tiring, two arms can't lift them up anymore, and there's blood flowing everywhere each time we go out, it's really pitiful11.one person taking care of a child all day long faces a silent baby who won't talk, that loneliness is inexpressible12.one person taking care of a child feels the sadness and exhaustion are not something you can imagine for the sake of the child's health and happiness growing up13.one person taking care of a child often feels like they are cut off from society as if only existing to take care of their children14.one person taking care of a child makes early education an ideal way to kill time while making sure they have fun15.one inexperienced parent carrying their sickly toddler through winter felt sorry when their baby coughed last night17.carrying around 800-1000ml breastmilk every day makes me feel drained18.i haven't been this negative in ages, i'm so tired and want some rest badly20.carrying too much emotion from youthfulness to married life brings heartache21.there must be another version of me doing things i dare not do22.because i am mom; why should someone with illness still take care of children?23.yesterday was so tiring but drinking red sugar ginger tea made my body warm again24.facing upcoming days alone caring for kids fills me with anxiety25.i need to live each day clearly rather than dwelling on memories26.caring for my kid is very tiring but seeing them grow gives me happiness27.some things require persistence while others call for surrender28.oneself bringing up children gets fat! Is it because one has reached the age where even drinking water leads to weight gain?