
  • 男生说说
  • 2024年12月30日
  • 1.岁月静好,孩子一步步成长,我也随之变得更加苍老。回望往昔,我们共同走过的道路,如同一条曲折蜿蜒的河流。 2.时间悄无声息,两年如一日,一晃之间,你已不再是我眼前那个小精灵,而我却在逐渐失去青春的光彩。但愿我能保持健康,陪伴你度过人生的每一个美妙时刻。 3.喜酒接连不断,每一次庆祝都充满了欢笑和泪水。时间仿佛飞逝,我们一起见证着孩子们从娇弱到独立,从依赖到自立。 4.秋风送爽,叶落归根











10.time is a double-edged sword, it brings us growth and aging, our children are growing up while we are getting older, cherishing each day.

11.time flies like an arrow; for the children as they grow up, for their parents as they age.

12.the time has come to find a place suitable for our old age and gather together with friends.

13.life is too short to be spent on endless work and labor; let's cherish the limited time and energy we have before our children grow up and we get old.

14.chase your dreams under the name of youth; when your children grow up, you'll be old too.

15.each day repeats yesterday's routine, one day after another, one year after another until your children grow up and you get old then nothing remains but memories.

16.grown-ups are always past their prime; how did time fly so quickly that we've all grown up?

17.work never ends but there's not enough time to spend with our growing-up kids; take some time off to experience life in rural areas with them - growth happens unintentionally.

18.it's too late to sigh or think deeply or turn back; believing that youth is still growing strong.

19.as I understand more about life now that my kids are grown-up so am I slowly turning into an old man who can live freely without worrying about anything.

20.your childhood was so pure & simple! As much as I want you to stay young forever...
