
  • 男生说说
  • 2024年12月30日
  • 1.岁月静好,孩子渐长;我老去,你青春永新。开心一日游的心情说说。 2.时间飞逝,肚子又圆;愿容颜不老,身体健全。陪伴孩子度过人生长久。 3.喜酒连环,不停喝!时间如梭,孩子大了,我们老了! 4.秋花似你,我变老你未老。但愿你快乐简单爱笑纯真。 5.朝暮相伴,你在世界里,我在书海里。这是陪伴吧,一起长大一起变老。我爱你。 6.小娃娃慢慢长,大和我玩闹笑拍照做鬼脸。我却在一点点变老。 7











10.time flies, we grow old, children grow up, heart aches.

11.time is a double-edged sword, children grow up, we age.

12.finding a place to spend our golden years with family.

13.one life is short, blink and the kids are grown up and we're old.

14.chasing dreams under the name of youthfulness; kids grow up while parents age.

15.repeating yesterday's routine day by day year by year until kids are grown and we're old then gone.

16.grown-ups are past their prime; how did they become so quickly?

17.work never ends as the kids keep growing older but take time to experience different lives in rural areas.

18.no time for sighs or contemplation or turning back; believing that youth is still growing strong.

19.children understand more now that they've grown older while I'm getting older too; let's live without restraint.

20.realizing it slowly: children have grown up while we've aged slightly more each day.

21.kids can shoulder responsibilities now that they've grown up but so have their parents aged significantly too.

22.comparing photos from the past to present: I'm aging daily just like my body grows older gradually.

23.wishing you maturity elegance excellence! You soar higher skies as I accompany your growth aging process together!

24.wanting to press pause on one's own age hoping for reverse gear in life making everything clear lovable with no worries about aging well within schedule

25.thinking of my mother as an ordinary woman who will get old helpless not invincible when she used her phone to check baby bottle temperatures

26.friends you grow taller I turn grey today you fall ill believe me you'll recover soon

27.the best connection in life is nurturing me till adulthood accompanying your growth aging laughing at each other though this bond breaks apart cherish this bond hold onto this emotion

28.now she sleeps through hospital visits no longer needing baby seats growing taller than before fading away memories happy times gone forever striving ahead

29.parents becoming more like children complaining constantly about being busy at work wanting them to call home often realizing both parties need communication effort put into maintaining relationships

30.you keep growing taller while I turn grey unaware of melancholy frustration longing reliance craving human nature always greedy
