11.time is a double-edged sword, it cuts both ways; our children grow up while we age, cherish every moment.
12.as the years go by, our children grow up and we grow old, let's find a place to spend our golden years together with friends.
13.life is short, and before you know it your child will be grown and you'll be old too; don't waste this precious time on constant work and stress.
14.dream big with youth as your banner; the children are growing up while we're aging.
15.each day repeats yesterday's routine, one year after another until the child grows up and we become old men then vanish into thin air.
16.grown-ups are just over-due kids; how did they suddenly grow up?
17.work never ends but there's no time for sighs or regrets or looking back as long as the sun rises high in the sky.
18.there's no time for nostalgia or contemplation or turning back to look - it's all about growing younger with each passing day.
19.the more I understand now that my child has grown older so have I but there's still so much to learn from each other as we journey through life together.
20.slowly I can accept this reality - my child has grown older while I've aged along with them but can't we just live life without any bounds?
21.now that they've grown older enough to take responsibility themselves, so have their parents aged accordingly.
22.comparing past photos with today makes me realize how fast I'm growing old alongside my child.
23.wish you greater maturity elegance excellence! You soar higher than ever before while i accompany you in growth age
24.i wish i could put on brakes for my age maybe even reverse gear make everything clear beautiful - i am aging gradually
25.i used to think of mom as superwoman she isn't she s an ordinary woman who will get old helpless not invincible now i m mother to that little baby "temporarily superwoman" till she grows up...this is what crossed my mind when i saw her use her phone to illuminate baby bottles temperature gauges etc
26.friend yours getting bigger mine getting smaller today you re sick but ill believe u ll recover soon
27.the best bond in life: u nurture me till im big ill stay by ur side till u r old u bother me ill laugh at ur antics its pity only few grasp hold cherish these ties preserve emotions
28.yesterday took her whole hospital visit asleep now she no longer needs infant chair seat y r grwing bigger im getting older those days were fun Ill also know those days wont come back future must try harder!
29.really parents becoming like kids again mommy says daddy complains he s busy at work doesn t call often wants him home he does miss us but cant say anything cos Im busy too want 2 give them more calls!
30.you keep growing taller day by day while Im slowly turning grey dont realize nor feel uneasy yet unable to help feeling anxious waiting eagerly relying heavily craving desperately