
  • 男生说说
  • 2024年12月30日
  • 1.岁月静好,孩子长大;我老去,时光荏苒。陪伴亲子时光心情沉淀。 2.一晃两年,我变肥了,你却更高了。但愿容颜未老,身体康健,能共度青春佳期。 3.接二连三的喜酒饮尽!时间过得真快,我们都老了!孩子们都长大了! 4.秋天的花一样,我在变老,但不想你长大。体会你最简单的快乐,爱你最纯真的笑容。 5.陪你度过每一个朝暮。你在你的世界里好好生活,我在我的世界里好好读书,这也算是一种陪伴吧











10.time is a thief, it steals our youth and leaves us with memories.

11.time flies when you're having fun, but it also brings us closer to old age.

12.the years go by quickly, and before we know it, our children are grown up and we are old.

13.every day is a new chance to make the most of the time we have with our loved ones.

14.chasing dreams with the name of youth, our children grow up while we grow old.

15.each day repeats the same routine as yesterday's, one year after another until our children grow up and we become old men who no longer exist in this world.

16.grown-ups are always out of date, how come they can't stop growing up?

17.there's never enough time to sigh or think deeply about life; there's no turning back to look at what has passed behind us; believing that youth is still growing strong.

18.don't regret or lament; don't waste any more time looking back on the past; believe that youth is still unfolding its beauty.

19.as I slowly understand your feelings now that you've grown up while I'm getting older too... let me cherish every moment spent together!

20.slowly but surely i am beginning to comprehend... my child grows older while i age gracefully... why not just live life without restraint?

21.children have grown into responsible adults while their parents have aged accordingly.

22.watching over photos from then and now makes me realize how much I've changed - growing older alongside my child.

23.may you continue to mature beautifully in all aspects! You soar higher than ever before! Together let's see where life takes us as both parent & child!

24.i wish i could put brakes on my aging process or even reverse it for a little bit - making everything clear again - simple yet beautiful like an autumn scene...

25.your mom isn't a superhero she just does her best she'll get tired eventually

26.friend you're growing up ,and i'm getting old . today,you fell ill but i believe you will recover soon

27.in this lifetime,a perfect bond exists:you nurturing me through growth,i accompanying you through change.from playtime laughter,you grew bigger.i smiled more.now,your smile fills pages of memory.yet ,this bond must end someday.how many can grasp hold of such connection?how many treasure these emotions?

28.then brought her to hospital slept throughout.however,she doesn’t need those baby seats anymore.you’re growing taller,i’m aging faster.past days were so joyful.i also know those moments won’t return.back home everyone works hard!let’s work hard together!

29.it turns out parents become more like kids themselves…mom says dad complains about being busy at work all day saying he misses them..but he doesn’t say anything..i’m growing taller they’re becoming older…we should spend more time with them!

30.you keep getting taller while i turn grayer.not knowing why some melancholy creeps in.a dependence forms.unaware yet eager.to crave something forbidden.isn't love strange?
