
  • 男生说说
  • 2025年02月26日
  • 1.我心碎了,无法忘怀你,我忍不住对自己同情。 2.我从不吝啬我的告别,但能听到我说再见的,不是每个人。 3.别寻找我,我怕我无法抵抗想要拥有你的冲动。 4.不要再这样挣扎,一天一天的熬夜,思念东想西,实在是过度感性,真的该关掉手机,断绝那些没必要的联系,让去一些负面情绪、扔掉所有负能量,用真诚生活,再做一些正经事业。 5.生命中遇到的每个灵魂都值得珍惜,你17岁淋雨时的痛苦不会出现在27岁


1.我心碎了,无法忘怀你,我忍不住对自己同情。 2.我从不吝啬我的告别,但能听到我说再见的,不是每个人。 3.别寻找我,我怕我无法抵抗想要拥有你的冲动。 4.不要再这样挣扎,一天一天的熬夜,思念东想西,实在是过度感性,真的该关掉手机,断绝那些没必要的联系,让去一些负面情绪、扔掉所有负能量,用真诚生活,再做一些正经事业。 5.生命中遇到的每个灵魂都值得珍惜,你17岁淋雨时的痛苦不会出现在27岁。你曾爱的人,现在突然就不爱他们了,你曾听过那么久的话题现在突然就不听了,你养成了多年的习惯现在突然改了,是不是时间比爱更加强大? 6.一次又一次伤害到你心上的人,只有失去了才明白珍惜,那时候你躲到了天涯海角,那时候你只愿意没有任何人成为你的伴侣,那时候只有在悔恨中度过才能安然无事一生? 7.能放手就放手,当朋友好过纠缠在一起。 8.多希望我们能成为朋友还能开朗地谈论将来吧。 9.有些失望是不避免的,但是大部分失望,都因为你高估了自己的能力和可能性。你人生中有许多醉酒的时候,有许多次泪水涌上的瞬间,都因着你,我以为喜欢很多人,却不知是我把你的影子喜欢了很多遍,只后来才发现,说起想你的感觉,就是一种痛楚。

10.my life has been filled with countless moments of drunkenness, countless tears welling up in my eyes, all because of you; I thought I had liked many people, but it turned out that I had only liked your shadow many times over; and only later did I realize that the feeling of longing for you is a kind of heartache.

11.i still like you, but you like someone else now.

12.those days, i stayed in one city without seeing you while you flew over several cities; just like those years when i loved someone who was already gone to love others again.

13.i know i still like you but you are no longer the one i loved.

14.i thought staying would be right; i thought my sadness would be understood by you.

15.time will help accumulate disappointments and tell me not to thank anyone for them.

16.self-deception is a lie told to oneself about loving someone as much as they think they do; it can suddenly disappear when faced with reality - yet in the long night ahead of me, all i want is to hold onto what's left of our past together and mourn the loss we're about to experience as we part ways once more - goodbye forever

17.it seems so simple: if only time could turn back and let us relive those moments spent together before everything fell apart...
