
  • 男生说说
  • 2025年02月26日
  • 1.我心中有一处病,忘不了你,这份情感无法自拔。 2.我从不吝啬我的良言,但能听到我说出口的不是每个人。 3.别寻找我,我怕自己再次陷入那段难以割舍的回忆。 4.不要让生活变得一成不变,一天一天的重复,让我们勇敢地改变自己的命运,抛弃那些负面的联系,释放掉所有的情绪负担,真诚地生活,不断追求正当的事业。 5.生命中遇到的人都值得珍惜,每一次淋雨都会在未来的某个时刻重演,而现在,我们必须珍惜这一切


1.我心中有一处病,忘不了你,这份情感无法自拔。 2.我从不吝啬我的良言,但能听到我说出口的不是每个人。 3.别寻找我,我怕自己再次陷入那段难以割舍的回忆。 4.不要让生活变得一成不变,一天一天的重复,让我们勇敢地改变自己的命运,抛弃那些负面的联系,释放掉所有的情绪负担,真诚地生活,不断追求正当的事业。 5.生命中遇到的人都值得珍惜,每一次淋雨都会在未来的某个时刻重演,而现在,我们必须珍惜这一切。 6.爱了很久的人,你突然间就失去了那份感情;听了很多年的歌曲,你突然不再倾听;养成了多年的习惯,你却突然改变,这一切,都证明时间比爱情更加强大和持久。 7.一次又一次伤害了心爱之人,只有失去才能明白如何珍视他们,是不是只有远离这个世界,只有从不爱上任何人,只有每天在悔恨中度过才能平静无忧? 8.如果可以,我愿意与你分手,以朋友的身份结束这段纠缠吧。 9.如果我们能成为朋友,那将是最好的结局。如果不能,那也许只能相互祝福,然后各自前行。在未来,我们或许还能轻松谈论那个过去。但愿如此。

10.some disappointments are inevitable, but most of them are because you overestimated yourself.

11.my life has been filled with countless moments of drunkenness and tears streaming down my face, all for you; I thought I had loved many people, but it turned out that I was just replaying your shadow in my heart, and only then did I realize that the feeling of missing you is actually a kind of pain.

12.those days, i stayed in one city without seeing you while you flew to several other cities like a bird; similarly, i spent years loving someone who wasn't there anymore; now i know that the feeling of missing someone is not love at all.

13.i still like you even though you don't feel the same way anymore.

14.i know i still like you but what we have lost cannot be regained; our time together used to be so joyful when we could talk freely about each other's words and feelings

15.i thought staying behind wouldn't be wrong; i thought my sadness would make sense if only they understood me

16.time will collect enough disappointments for us and tell us not to thank anyone

17.self-deception can easily trick myself into believing things about you too - suddenly gone without any warning - yet in this endless night, all i want is to hold onto something real: your presence

18.once upon a time we relied on each other's shoulders now we're adrift in this sea of strangers

19.my phone holds so many numbers but when it comes to yours...i stop scrolling altogether

20.unless one cries through long nights no one can speak truthfully about life
