
  • 男生说说
  • 2024年11月29日
  • 自强不息,免费B2B物品的女性说说:做一个独立女商人 1、渣男太多,女人要自立才能避免被欺负。我的爸爸一直教导我,要有自己的事业和生活,不要依赖男人。我幸运地遇到了大哥,也感激我的爸爸始终坚持这一点。 2、女人花的是自己努力赚来的钱,这不仅带来财富,更是一种自信和独立的精神。我曾经输过、失败过,但从未放弃。她们喜欢这样活着!不是委屈求全,也不是委屈求财。个人独立、思想独立、经济独立、情感也要独立








6不要相信一个正在对其他女人的感情发挥作用的男人对你的承诺,因为他的承诺毫无用处,他可能会欺骗你一次,还会有第二次。 woman should be strong, independent, and not rely on men, even if you get married and he treats you well.

7 女人应该有自己的工作,在家庭中才有地位和尊严,不要被现在社会观念迷惑,woman should be supported by men and spend their money. This way no one will look down on them.


9 我一直认为 woman should be self-reliant, self-confident, self-respecting, and self-loving. Don't depend on others; don't seek comfort or advice from anyone. Remember that the person who can heal your own wounds is yourself. Don't expect a man to support you like a child - if so, in his eyes you'll never have the courage to stand tall. I want to be a good girl who stands up for herself.

10 也许别人给了你安慰或劝告,但无论多少次委屈或痛苦记住,最终能治愈自己的还是自己。这就是为什么 women must rely on themselves rather than expecting someone else's support.

11 woman must learn to stand alone with her own strength; with wealth comes the freedom to pursue what she wants without losing principle or forgetting her initial goals.

12 woman must stand alone; she is her own most reliable ally - everything else is just smoke.

13 Woman doesn't necessarily have to become a strong woman but should definitely be economically independent, ideologically independent, living independently and spiritually independent - with autonomy over one's life choices.

14 My mother told me how difficult life was; my father taught me about dignity as a human being; my brother reminded me of standing up for friends; my boyfriend said that women should love themselves first since they are unable to love anyone else properly without it.

15 Life is lived for oneself alone; women must love themselves more than anyone else because they cannot truly love others unless they first love themselves.

16 Women are independent from men and society alike. I really don't understand why people in loving relationships need separate careers instead of working together? If we do collaborate then one party has power over another party which would lead to dependency! That would mean dependence!

17 So women need independence: when all our needs are met through our own efforts

18 It turns out we view things differently based on perspective & angle! Men & Women think differently! Today I argued with him about buying gifts during Duan Wu Festival (Dragon Boat Festival) feeling hurt... Women need independence & confidence! They require their own circles & careers!

19 A sense of crisis suddenly hit me strongly today after realizing how much time had passed since I last felt like striving for something new... What if someday everything falls apart? What am I left with? The only thing that heals us is ourselves… We're the ones who make our lives better or worse...

20 My mom once told me at 18 "You won’t find space here" so leave home – it’s not your mom’s responsibility.. Now she tells me “If we move take this room” – Why do I deserve this?

21 Hearing some people say work is too tiring they don’t want go there anymore then their boyfriends will say “Don’t go if you don’t wanna”– But sometimes feel frustrated wondering why put so much effort into making myself successful while allowing others (men)to judge us as weak?

22 Being loved isn’t enough—only those who dare struggle can succeed while those afraid fail —it’s rare—so let us fight for ourselves before relying on someone else

23 At grandma's house eating dinner grandma says "Women need self-strength." Good point indeed...
