8.Mathematics, the most creative and imaginative of all human pursuits, has evolved into a unique and profound expression of our intellect.
9.The concept of infinity is so profound that it has captured the imagination of humanity for centuries.
10.Discovering each new group in mathematics is akin to discovering a new species in biology; we cannot guide ourselves further than this.
11.With five coefficients, I can draw you an elephant; with six coefficients, the elephant will swing its tail - thus spoke Cauchy.
12.Mathematics is the magician's wand that enables us to create magic in reality.
13.Anyone who does not know that the diagonals of a square are incommensurable with its side does not deserve the name 'philosopher.'
14.The simple composition of integers has been a springboard for mathematical progress for millennia.
15.Mathematics' eternal and universal nature, as well as its independence from time and cultural context, are direct consequences of its essence.
16.Life consists only two things: developing mathematics or teaching mathematics - said Poulson.
17.I am able to see farther because I stand on the shoulders of giants - Newton's statement reflects his understanding that scientific progress depends on building upon previous knowledge.
18.If I were to inherit considerable wealth, my value in mathematics would be negligible - said Lagrange candidly about his priorities.
19.My contribution may be small compared to what others have done before me; but then again perhaps it might also be just enough... My own work never satisfies me completely...I prefer other people's work better than my own! — L'Hôpital
20.A person's contributions are inversely proportional to their self-importance—this seems like an axiom concerning conduct—Lagrange
21.For God's sake don't give up your work! It is your best medicine—D'Alembert
22.Sometimes you start without getting hold of something very simple yet beautiful proof—but such proofs alone lead one deep into higher arithmetic truths' wonderful connections—and these connections drive us continuously seek out discoveries—Gauss
23.If someone else thinks about mathematical truth as deeply and persistently as I do they will find my discoveries too—a comment by Gauss himself
24.Fine arguments often aren't achieved at once but through long-standing discussions accumulated over time—I too learned slowly & still have much more learning ahead—the words spoken by Abel
25.Abstract questions must be discussed extremely clearly—a requirement set forth by Descartes
26.Mathematics leaves behind all other sciences with regard to power; it contains within itself nothing merely arbitrary or contingent—it’s source lies beyond our world—the originator speaks here describing Mathematics’ role within creation—the word was penned by Descartes