2."在我怀里,你是不是什么都不会害怕了" "害怕,害怕你松开"
10.my tongue is sharp, and if it gets in your way, come at me with your teeth, let's see who bites first.
11.don't look at me with the eyes of a stray dog; I'm not that pitiful yet.
12.friends have boyfriends and become the center of attention, but I just put on my headphones and become invisible to the world.
13.you like me? then you're mine; you don't like me? still, you're mine; as long as i love you, you must be mine.
14.to chase after someone you like? go for it! if they don't reciprocate your feelings, keep chasing until they do or until they can no longer withstand your pursuit!
15.brother-in-arms, please don't force me to use my influence in Beijing; i'd rather not stir up a bloody storm!
16.youth without adventure means nothing when we grow old; whoever takes care of us then?
17.if a dog bites me once,i won't bite back but...i'm not sure what'll happen if it keeps biting after that...
18.don't wait for me to cry before realizing how much pain i've endured - nor should you wait for me to disappear before acknowledging my presence.
19.don't expect tears from me before understanding my sorrow - nor should you wait for my disappearance before realizing how deeply rooted i am in this existence.
20.to those who speak ill behind my back: remember that i am not their mother with countless stories worth remembering!
21.warn others to stay away from him! now that i've held back so much already...get ready for the chaos when i finally lose control!
22.if loving someone requires locking them up in their room & threatening them with dismemberment if they try to escape...
23.raise an arrogant cat & have it fetch an autumn salmon foryou –no need for politeness here
24.whenever anyone catches your eye among womenfolk,i'll personally ask permission from her family onyour behalf–but only kill her off entirely upon success or spare one life upon failure
25.i never flatter anyone—my words aren’t sweet enough—but try makingme disappointed &i’ll make sureyou hit rock bottom
26.i never surrender—even after falling so hard& having nobody lend a hand,i stand tall& proud
27.a tomboy is born femalewith insatiable hungerfor food,a strongbackfor carrying luggage,a gangof close friends&a mouth fullof swearwordsand daily worries
28.sisters' love is reserved exclusivelyfor those worthy—the rest better step asidelestthey annoy us
29.why fight?can’twejust sit down calmly& stab each othera few times?
30.like someone,you chaseafterthem tillthey either acceptorbreak underthe pressurethen breaktheir legsifthey refuseto yield
31.hand grenades are expensive,sowhilesix costonly one yuan,i'll giveyouahundredyuan’sworthfirst—eitherway,yourlifeis over!