2."在我怀里,你是不是什么都不会害怕了?" "害怕,但你要松开我。"
9.my love is like a storm, it's powerful and unstoppable, once you're in, you can't get out.
10.my tongue is sharp, but don't think I'm afraid of you; if you dare to come near me, I'll bite back!
11.don't look at me with those pitiful eyes; I haven't reached that level yet.
12.when someone has a boyfriend, the whole world revolves around them; but for me? I just put on my headphones and become invisible.
13.you like me? then i'm yours; you don't like me? still, i'm yours - as long as i love you.
14.to chase after someone who doesn't return your feelings? well then...just keep chasing until they do!
15.brother! don't force me to use my connections in Beijing - i'd rather not start a bloody war over this.
16.youth without adventure is nothing more than prolonged childhood; by the time we reach old age, who will support us?
17.if a dog bites me once...i won't bite back either...but after it bites me again...let's just say there might be consequences for its survival.
18.i won't cry before you understand how much pain i've endured - nor will i wait until they disappear from sight before realizing their existence was worth something too precious to let go of easily
19.do not wait for my tears to fall before understanding the depth of my sorrow; do not wait till they vanish into thin air before acknowledging their presence in your life
20.those behind whispering about our relationship need only know: no matter how many stories she may weave or secrets she keeps hidden within her heart...
21.back off from him! remember: when he loses control (which he does sparingly) , what remains of him will be scattered beyond recognition
22.love him enough that he can never escape your grasp - break his legs if he tries!
23.raise an arrogant cat and have it bring home fresh fish for dinner without expecting gratitude
24.whenever fate leads one girl into another man's arms...
25.i am never insincere with anyone else because even though words are sweet honey on tongues so fine...
26.from surrendering ever since falling down hard with nobody lending aid or hand up offer'd by any,
27.a woman warrior equals being born female-bodied + having appetite great as mountains + carrying own loads + friends galore beside = speaking harsh truths + using salty slang daily = living normalcy;
28.sisterly affection extends only towards those deserving hearts while others please leave room around us lest we find annoyance in your presence
29.fighting isn’t necessary—why don’t we sit down calmly and slash each other instead?
30.like someone new? pursue them relentlessly—failing which continue pursuit—and failing twice —break their bones:
31.hand grenades cost dear—were six available at one yuan apiece,i’d first fling five hundred yuan at thee—a legal void filling thy demise were justice blind!