
  • 男生说说
  • 2025年03月12日
  • 1.梅雨季节,阳光难寻,鞋子被阴霾吞噬。 2.梅雨连绵,一天的休息被短暂的晴空打破,洗衣晒衣服后,我已是满头大汗。 3.在这漫长的梅雨季节里,我仿佛穿梭于天地之间,与风雨为伴,与光影共舞,在生与死的边缘徘徊。 4.母亲的话语,如同此时此刻不停歇的小雨,无尽无穷,不知何时才能停止。 5.我心中渴望着一个答案:这个没有尽头的梅雨季何时能结束? 6.我的工资似乎也受到了下雨天早高峰堵车带来的影响












11.lay in bed, it seems I can smell the moldy scent of my pillow, when will this wet and gloomy weather pass?

12.The drizzle that refuses to stop has been driving me mad for days on end, from June 25th to July 1st, it's as if the rain is never-ending.

13.Meadow season sounds romantic but is mostly stuffy and moldy; between the raindrops, I open the window to let in the dampness of the rain.

14.As Meadow season comes to an end, high temperatures arrive at weekends, bringing joy and indulgence.

15.In a northern city like ours, we've had non-stop rain lately - it feels like we're experiencing a southern-style Meadow season - our home is so damp already!

16.During Meadow season, eczema and worries grow together; under the quiet streets at nightfall,

17.The warmth of a sunny weekend arrives after what feels like an eternity of grey skies; time for some relaxation and indulgence!

18.Another overcast day passes with no sign of sunshine - just like in those endless southward Meadows where one can't help but feel helpless against nature's relentless downpour

19.A part of me remains forever stuck within that perpetually rainy Meadow season that doesn't seem to fade with age.

20.I believe there are times when luck smiles upon us during Meadow seasons too: good things always come your way if you seize them!

21.Hate how each day out feels like being steamed alive by humidity! If only life wasn't so hard during this awful weather...

22.Rain keeps falling without respite since last month! Our home is so drenched now that water almost spills out from everywhere! We use dehumidifiers galore in our wardrobes... two northerners every year trapped within these endless Meadown seasons

23.Forgotten shadows stretch towards moonlight as long as this wet Meadown Season lasts

24.Every single day brings waiting: waiting for micro wave oven lineups; waiting for kids' giggles aimed at me; waiting for this soggy Meadown Season to pass away into history books alongside green traffic lights signaling change & fate-bound encounters yet unseen
