
  • 男生说说
  • 2025年02月13日
  • 1.我会将你泼的冷水,烧开后再次回敬给你。 2.当你的爱变得沉重时,你忘了温柔的力量。 3.那些凶残的人寻找杀戮,风流的人寻找美女,而我,只是抽烟消磨时间。 4.我希望每一句话都能传达到你的心中,即便我的话语口是心非,我也希望你能理解我的意图。 5.YD:虚伪的朋友容易聚集又容易散去;真心的朋友难以寻觅,却难以逾越距离。 6.在这漫长人生旅途中,我渴望成为你生命中的独特篇章之一。 7










9.my love,即使世界上所有的话语都无法触及你的心,你若说出“无所谓”,那对我而言,就是最甜蜜的话语了。


11.my heart's deepest wish is that the person who once stole someone's lover will one day have their own lover stolen by another.

12.the strongest thing I've ever done is to smile and pretend to be happy when you said "I love you" while she was still smiling and crying in my eyes.

13.every man would give up the world for you because I am yours.

14.I firmly believe that every boy who likes to eat and make funny faces has a girl waiting for him somewhere, silently hoping he'll notice her.

15.YD: The greatest regret in life is not perseverance but giving up easily.

16.The cold-hearted youth, time itself is as cold as they are.

17.My mother hugged me tightly and cried bitterly because she was sad about my death

18.Don't lie down after falling; what's the point of waiting for others to step on you?

19.I will boil the cold water you poured on him and pour it back at you

20.Opening the pages of memory filled with your happiness turned into tears...I'm also wounded all over from loving you so much; all I have left is this heart that loves you.

21.Waiting can be a beautiful state because it holds endless possibilities.

22.Do you know who the person I cherish most in this life? It starts with "@".

23.Foolishness and immaturity are different; what matters is that both sides take advantage of each other's weaknesses.

24.Tutu: When life gives us 100 reasons to cry, we should find 1,000 reasons to laugh at it instead.

25.Sometimes, only when our heads crash together do we realize that walls are just paintings on them.
