
  • 节日说说
  • 2024年11月19日
  • 在宇宙浩瀚的星河之中,有一股难以言喻的力量,那就是“温柔”。这不仅仅是对世界的一种感受,更是一种文人墨客之间的情感交流。正如古代诗人所述:“天地不仁,以万物为刍狗。”然而,在这个冷酷无情的大自然面前,我们人类却渴望找到一种超越痛苦与悲伤的方式来表达我们内心深处那份温暖而纯真的感情。 在英语中,“温柔”这一词汇,其实有着多重含义。它可以指的是一个人对待他人的态度,既可以是对于朋友、家人或爱侣的关怀








The Gentle Fall into the Cosmos

The gentle fall into the cosmos,

A dance of stars and a whisper of love.

In the vast expanse, I find my home,

Where every breath is a poem from above.

A Soft Landing in Eternity

A soft landing in eternity's embrace,

Where time and space lose their hold.

With each step, I feel the universe's grace,

And in its heart, my soul unfold.

Into the Starry Night

Into the starry night, I drift like a leaf,

Carried by winds that speak of peace.

Amongst constellations ancient and deep,

My dreams take flight without reprieve.

Infinite Compassion for All Beings

Infinite compassion for all beings shines through me like light from a star.

As I reach out to touch another soul, it feels like reaching across galaxies near or far.

Each connection is an act of love that echoes across time and space.

A Symphony of Kindness Underneath Stars

Beneath twinkling stars, where worlds collide with whispers sweet as honeyed wine

A symphony of kindness plays on strings both fine and strong

Every note resonates with life so divine

Cosmic Harmony: The Dance Between Earth & Sky

Cosmic harmony dances between earth and sky

An ethereal ballet woven with threads of gold

Celestial bodies sway to rhythm pure & free

Embracing us all with cosmic arms open wide