1.暑假已经画上了句号。该是时候收拾好心情,迎接新一轮的学习吧!2.如果阳光不再照耀。我就不会踏入校园。如果阳光重新绽放,我就继续沉浸在梦幻之中。3.寒假先生对我低语:等到下一次的暑假,我会用同样的热情爱你。4.似乎时间悄然流转,让我头疼、烦恼的事迹又重现了——开学的钟声。5.别提及开学,那只是伤害我们的回忆。6.班上连个能激起我的斗志的人都没有,不想接受那份压力与束缚。7.听好了,我要告诉你们一个恐怖故事,还有最后一天就是开学了!8.这种生活,只需刷牙便可开始美味之旅,但这美好的时光即将结束。9.尽管大雨让这个城市变得颠覆,却无法阻止我回到学校的脚步。这次,网课不能替代老师带来的知识与智慧哦!10.告诉你们个鬼故事,还有一天就开学了,你们准备好了吗?11."再见",亲爱的妈妈,明天我将踏上远方的征程。你准备好送行了吗?12.open your eyes, my friend! 开学前的夜晚,最适合的是作业和台灯,它们是一对完美的情侣呢~13."farewell", school... 我虽然回归你的怀抱,但我的心永远属于自由与梦想~14.every child who doesn't want to go back to school is a good kid, because they don't have someone waiting for them in class~15.in life, there are two pains: the first one is going back to school; the second one is taking final exams... but when these two become one, school turns into our own personal hell~16.if we don't go crazy and start studying now, we'll be doomed!17.going back to school means no more tiredness in my waist or legs... even my heart stops beating with excitement!18.you've got my body, but not my heart, dear school ~19.going back to class feels heavier than attending a funeral ~20.from the moment I step foot into this new semester until now, you're the first person I think of as soon as I wake up ~21.as we embark on this journey towards excellence with each step forward ~22.it's almost time for classes again... some people call it adjusting their schedules while others like me are just trying to adjust from being nocturnal~23.i'm not sure what kind of person will be sitting next to me after summer break ends ~24.all bad emotions stem from only three things: going back to school (and dealing with homework), getting fat over summer vacation (and lacking money) 25.opening day syndrome = teachers as rivals + exams as enemies + homeworks as hypnotic agents + weekends as our last hope for survival~26.some subjects feel like battery-powered toys - longer than expected yet equally draining! 27.my savings account seems empty just when it's time for another round of tuition fees!!28.dear School.. sorry.. i never loved you.. i always loved breaks instead ~~29.the closer it gets to opening day...the crazier I get....