
  • 节日说说
  • 2025年02月20日
  • 1.请你带着那份不甘心的感觉,向上攀爬。你的每一分钱、每一次花费,都来自父母的辛勤付出。你有资格沉溺于懒惰吗?你是否真的为他们的养育之恩而努力? 2.我也很疲倦,但有人仍在坚持前行。4.班内喧嚣中,你凝视窗外,梦想成云,而书本高置,让黑板与未来的光明远离。 3.没有人轻易成功。6.记住那些帮助过你的朋友,不要忘记爱过你的伴侣,不要背叛信任过你的伙伴;时间虽然无法证实一切,但绝对能让你看透许多事物






5.now or never:现在就要努力生活,或许将来会用大量时间承受不愿意生活。如果今天不改变,那么未来依然是今日,这个世界将永无变动。


7.i chase the light of my past self but i can't catch up anymore.

8.not working women have two outcomes: either drowning in cheap goods or wandering through markets.

9.the sweetness of effort is addictive.

10.your grand ambitions are nothing to others, even if you achieve great things, you're just a supporting character in their lives.

11.you thought this life would last forever, long enough to hold all your sorrows; that the world was big enough to let go of the past; that it was happy enough to abandon regret... but it's only your naive assumption!

12.someone who loves you will feel your pain as if it were their own, while others will use your suffering for gossip and laughter.

13.it's not about being too ambitious, remember that in other people's eyes, no matter how well you do, you're just a minor character.

14.stop thinking you have all the time in the world; that the world is so vast it can swallow up all your memories; stop believing this world is full of happiness and can dismiss disappointment... because one day you'll realize these are just fantasies!