
  • 节日说说
  • 2025年02月16日
  • 关于讲理老公:你不讲理。老婆:和你我从来就没讲过理,家就不是讲理的地方。再说你是男的,还比我大8个月呢,你就得让着我。 关于钱老公:以后我挣的钱,按比例给你吧,我挣的多时留得也多一点,这样我较会有积极性。老婆:好。老公:那我给你百分之多少?老婆:百分之一百二。 关于主意老婆:咱们出去玩吧。老公:好,你说去哪就去哪。老婆:我要有主意还和你说!老公:我出的主意你从来都不同意呀。 老婆




关于主意老婆:咱们出去玩吧。老公:好,你说去哪就去哪。老婆:我要有主意还和你说!老公:我出的主意你从来都不同意呀。 老婆:“你的‘主意’根本就是敷衍,那才叫做‘没有一个真正的想法’!直到让我满意为止。”

关于中心old wife: 我在我们家一直是中心,在你们家也得以我为中心。你必须明白这一点。

About the husband's opinion on the topic of "center": I have always been at the center in our family, and it should be the same in your family too. You must understand this.

Old wife: But my center is more important than yours. Husband: Why? Old wife: Because I am a princess, and you are just a little boy.

About mood old wife: My mood gets worse when I do chores, which can lower our marriage quality. Husband: I also get upset when doing chores.

Old wife: This shirt looks good? Husband: It does look good. Old bridegroom’s response was insincere; he wanted her to buy clothes quickly so she would hurry back home... Old wife: Is this shirt nice? Husband : No, it doesn’t look good to me either.

Old bridegroom’s answer was evasive; he didn't want her to spend money...

About carrying things old wife : Take this bag too! Husband : Well, you don't carry anything while I'm carrying four bags! Isn't that embarrassing?

Old woman replied with a smile as she held onto him tightly - "You're 100 pounds heavier than me! The weight of what you carry is much less than mine."

The old lady said with a smile as she held onto him tightly - "You're 100 pounds heavier than me! The weight of what you carry is much less than mine."