
  • 节日说说
  • 2025年01月31日
  • 1.我知道你会回来,所以我在等待。2.对某些人来说,你可能只是一个普通的存在,但对另一些人,你却是他们生活中最重要的人。3.虽然过去已经淡出记忆,曾经一起度过的日子里的人们也渐行渐远,但在我的回忆中,他们总是那么温暖而真挚。4.当你被误解时,即使再怎么努力表达,也往往无济于事,这种无助感是最难以言说的。5.我们都是长久以来习惯了孤独的人。6.那些自找的痛苦,又何必去表现出来呢?要怪就怪自己


1.我知道你会回来,所以我在等待。2.对某些人来说,你可能只是一个普通的存在,但对另一些人,你却是他们生活中最重要的人。3.虽然过去已经淡出记忆,曾经一起度过的日子里的人们也渐行渐远,但在我的回忆中,他们总是那么温暖而真挚。4.当你被误解时,即使再怎么努力表达,也往往无济于事,这种无助感是最难以言说的。5.我们都是长久以来习惯了孤独的人。6.那些自找的痛苦,又何必去表现出来呢?要怪就怪自己,有能力让别人喜欢上你,也有能力不让别人喜欢上你罢了。7."忘"字头上的"亡"下面是一个心,想要忘掉谁,只有死心,那才能够真正地把他从你的记忆里抹去。8.我已经看过太多不同的城市,可是在每个城市里,都没有你的名字出现。在这样一个充满缺陷和不完美的地方,如果能遇到几个真诚、可靠的朋友,就应该珍惜它们吧。9.有时候,我们连对自己都做不到真正的心灵沟通,所以,不需要苛责别人,因为人的本性总是复杂且不可预测的10."没有人故意要背叛或改变",当他爱上一个人时,他所展现出的那份爱,是真的、深刻的11.I don't want long-lasting warmth, I just need you to be with me for a lifetime12."Whoever has taken care of my feelings, whoever has gently kissed my wounds, whoever has stood up for me when I was not well-behaved and touched my hand - who is that person?"13.I'm not cold-blooded nor slow to warm up; I'm just afraid of investing too much and feeling sad when it's time to leave14.A single person fears loneliness, two people fear betrayal15.Anything in this world needs to be tested by time16.If life really were as calm and uneventful as we say it should be, perhaps I would envy others' exciting lives17.Life is too short; if you find someone you like, you should take them seriously18.Anything good or bad will eventually pass the test of time19.I am not usually sentimental but have done all these sentimental things for you20.Looking back from a distance makes everything seem tragic21.People never know how important those casual "see you later"s can become until they're gone forever22.The five years that follow may require change; the only way to achieve that change is through altering your current relationships and reading different books23.Sometimes keeping distance from someone isn't because they aren't important but because it's clear they don't belong in your life24"The phrase '虚惊一场' (a false alarm) is the best saying in this world - far better than excitement or joy or smooth sailing - do you understand what it means to lose something?25.As one grows older, one realizes that what's needed isn't crazy love but someone who won't leave26.Hopefully,you'll understand: though I can see things clearly most times, this doesn't stop me from holding grudges27.Watching your life like a passerby and feeling bitter about how none of your joys or sorrows are meant for me28.I want to pour out all the love towards you into nothingness so that you'll know these are real feelings29.Is there ever a moment where while listening to music without thinking about anything at all,you suddenly miss me?