1.春去夏来,转眼又是一年。2.岁月匆匆,我们却在原地踏步。3.愿今年的夏日里,没有烦恼,只有快乐与温暖。4.愿你所爱之人和梦想,都能在这夏天里实现。5."窗外蝉鸣,是时间倒数的钟声;成长中的分数,是向上的攀爬"6."带着未完成的情感,在五月奔跑,让泥泞中也有花开"7.每一天都是新开始,每个五月都是新的篇章。8.四月未说完的话,我们留到五月慢慢续说。9.心中没有诗意,只有对你的思念10."这是刚刚开始的夏天,我们之间还没有完成的故事"11."吾悦!吾悦!在这个美好的五月,我最深情地对你说:请多关照,祝福永远如同我对你的真挚!"12."你是这片土地上最美丽的事物,也是我生命中最亮丽的星辰——五月,你好,请多保重,愿一切顺利,万事如意!"13."遇见了这样的五月,你,就是我的幸运,也是生活中最闪耀的一束光芒14.in this may, let's cherish the beauty we find15.may morning is a gift of snowflake, and the first bite of ice cream is for you—good morning!16.don't hope to jump a thousand miles; just take it one step at a time each day.May, please treat me kindly!17.from now on, be kind to yourself; if you can't blame men, don't blame yourself18.doing well in life is hard; being good is even harder—it's so difficult to be a good person.Goodbye April, Hello May!19.god isn't fair but gives us the right to be biased20.may brings gentle weather and self-improvement21.lights by riverside in may22.may brings blessings—collect happiness and spread joy23.collect happiness in may; popularize joy and peace24.high mountains long waterways—may fills your life with good fortune25.May I Love U26.listen up for MayDay27.the most beautiful summer i've seen was when you found me through the crowd in that may28.spring will come with sunflowers too—I'm not waiting for seasons but happiness