
  • 节日说说
  • 2025年01月14日
  • 1.我昨天深爱着你,今天不想再纠缠,但明天清晨,我仍然会回到那份无法逃避的爱意。 2.其实像我这样既自私又懒惰,不愿被别人拖累,同时也害怕自己可能被需要的人,而大多数时候,我更倾向于独自在这世界上闲逛,虽然孤单却轻松自在。然而,在一小部分时刻,我总是有些微弱的渴望想要和你共度时光。 3.如果你不是那么英俊潇洒,或许我会带你去街头漫步、看电影、品尝美食,从诗词歌赋到人生的哲学。但你的外表如此迷人











10.you come here, I have something important to discuss with you.

11.moonlit night, sleepless dreams... Let's chat instead.

12.after a long time, I miss you so much!

13.i want to be super cool but if we talk, i can let my guard down for a little while.

14.i want to buy land from you and build a house that says "i belong to you"

15.can i call you sir?

16."wooden door" is called wood door; "iron gate" is iron gate; what about the one made of happiness? It's "us".

17.do you know the meaning of 1-10?

18.i'm at 10 thinking of you; i'm almost there at 9; please give me an 8; i won't say no at 7; forever by your side at 6; sending love at 5 for life;

19.my heart beats only for one person -you-

20.didn't you feel tired this morning?

21.how did you know? Because last night, your thoughts were running in circles inside my mind!

22.i like those four characters in my stomach as they twist and turn around my chest before slipping into my throat then hesitating before finally reaching your lips!

23.what are you doing?

24.will it hurt if i ask which road leads to your heart? Which road do mean by 'your' road?

25.you look just like someone in my family... who is it?

26.like who? My mom's daughter-in-law...

27.don't crash into walls anymore, why not crash into Mr.'s chest instead~

28.wanting to hold your hand and raise a toast to all the guests here...

29.emotions stolen from others but love for him is genuine