1.近天天发脾气,心态不知如何调适,一人带娃还需忙于事务,真令人崩溃!2.带孩子操劳至极,无力应对工作压力和未来的迷茫,常感身心疲惫而无助。3.带娃确实太累了,更是没有亲人的帮助,加油吧,那些辛苦的妈妈们!4.带娃真是个巨大的挑战,没有人能理解我,只希望自己能够变得强大,不再依赖他人。5.宝宝走在前,我跟在后,每天忙到不想睡觉,但忙完后的我却忍不住想哭来着,真舍不得。6.长辈们都很忙,没有时间帮我照看孩子,所以每天都要我一个人带娃,直到精疲力竭。7.今天晚上宝贝乖巧地九点就睡了,我有机会偷偷享受一下。我发现,是不是所有带小孩的妈妈都会变得易怒?8.电脑通知像下雨一样接踵而至,上班处理工作又必须回家照顾孩子,这种生活让我感到崩溃。9.每天都是一个应付之计,我觉得不是因为带娃累,而是我自己的心态出了问题,必须改变过来吗?10.出门旅行时把孩子抱起来真的很困难,就像两只胳膊抬起不了我的身体,每次出门都是这样,一点都不容易!11.一个人独自面对一个不会说话的小孩,这种孤独是无法用言语表达的感觉。12.พ一刻也不放弃,因为为了孩子能健康快乐成长,即使心里充满了苦与累,也会默默承受,从未考虑过放弃,这就是母爱所展现出的力量吧13。一边照顾孩子,一边感觉自己脱离了社会,让人感到空虚无聊,只是为了让孩子快乐成长而存在14。一边陪伴儿童,一边在早教中消磨时间,他们玩得开心,我也没那么觉得累15。我是个新手爸爸,当夜凉时分,你的咳嗽声响起,让我心里好疼,又被迫抱你入睡,看你咳嗽更是难以忍受16。你试过吗?让你的小孩紧紧抓着你一整天,不给他们任何休息时间吗?您试过单手抱着婴儿、单手做饭吗?或者是在精疲力竭的时候想要休息,却只能看着活泼可爱的小生命活蹦乱跳吗17.Baby's tantrums exhaust me, and breastfeeding 800-1000 milliliters every day leaves me feeling drained18.I haven't been this negative for a long time, I'm so tired, so desperate to rest, so resentful... even when I'm sick, I have to take care of the kids! They always push my limits - I just want to cry19.Bringing up children is the most difficult job in the world.I am exhausted and my mood is deteriorating; my temper is short and stressful - it's really tough20.Carrying too many emotions: youthful rebellion, married life's helplessness, parenting's sorrow21.There must be another version of me out there doing what I dare not do22.Why do mothers still have to care for their sick children? Because that's what moms are supposed to do - it makes sense23.Yesterday was a day filled with exhaustion; luckily drinking a red sugar ginger tea warmed me up inside instantly.Caring for children requires effort; no matter how hard you try or how much you conserve energy24.The thought of continuing alone brings anxiety.Let alone an energetic toddler like yours... But come on!25.Sometimes one needs clarity in living each day rather than dwelling on memories26.Raising a child can be exhausting but seeing them grow fills me with joy and accomplishment27.Some things require persistence while others demand surrender.Like loving you.Like waiting for you28.Carried by the weight of raising a child alone; did I gain weight from drinking water? Is this age called 'gaining weight just from drinking'?