1.近天天发脾气,心态不知道怎么去调整,一个人带孩子还要做事真的累到崩溃!2.带孩子焦头烂额累到崩溃,工作上难以突破找不到未来的方向,很多时候都会觉得身心疲涤迷茫无助。3.带娃真心超级累,尤其身边没有老人照应一下,加油吧,麻麻!4.带娃真的很累,也没有谅我,只有自己的亲娘。所有男人都是一个德行,我只希望自己能够强大起来,不再依靠任何人!5.宝宝跟着大部队一起走了,但每天带娃累想不到睡觉吧,但是忙完后的我有种想哭的冲动来着,舍不得。6.长辈们都太忙没空帮忙带娃,然后每天都要自己带娃累炸了。7.宝贝今晚很乖九点就睡了,我悠闲偷乐。我发现是不是带小孩的妈妈脾气都会变得比较暴躁?8.每天电脑通知就和下雨一样下来,上班有处理不完的工作,还回家接着带孩子,都累到崩溄9.everyday i feel like im losing my mind, exhausted from work and taking care of the kids, feeling like im stuck in this never-ending cycle of exhaustion and stress10.bringing up a child is not an easy task, it requires patience, love and sacrifice11.i am tired of being alone with my child all day long12.as a mother, i have to be strong for my child13.i am tired of being a single parent14.i need someone to talk to15.my baby is growing up too fast16.everything is so overwhelming17.i am exhausted from taking care of my baby18.i miss the old me19.life as a single mom is tough20.even though it's hard sometimes21.sometimes i feel like giving up22.but then i think about how much my baby needs me23.when you're tired but still have to take care of your kid24.the struggles of being a single mom25.some days are better than others26.as a single mom, every day feels like monday27.the hardest part about being a single mom28.becoming one with nature