
  • 闺蜜说说
  • 2024年12月12日
  • 1.我无法忘记你,尽管我知道这对我的健康不利。2.每当晚安时分,我总是期待有人回应我的早安。但那个人已经不再是我身边。3.别来找我,因为一旦见面,我可能会再次迷失在爱情的怀抱中。4.不要让自己陷入这种无休止的痛苦,每天夜以继日地思考和怀念,不断地矫揉造作,真应该关闭手机,切断那些没有必要的联系,将所有消极的情绪抛之脑后,从实实在在做些正经事开始生活。5.每一个曾经遇到的人都值得珍惜


1.我无法忘记你,尽管我知道这对我的健康不利。2.每当晚安时分,我总是期待有人回应我的早安。但那个人已经不再是我身边。3.别来找我,因为一旦见面,我可能会再次迷失在爱情的怀抱中。4.不要让自己陷入这种无休止的痛苦,每天夜以继日地思考和怀念,不断地矫揉造作,真应该关闭手机,切断那些没有必要的联系,将所有消极的情绪抛之脑后,从实实在在做些正经事开始生活。5.每一个曾经遇到的人都值得珍惜,因为时间不会倒流,就像十七岁下过的雨永远不会在二十七岁降临。6.你突然停止了对我的爱,这让我听着那些熟悉的歌曲也感到陌生。你养成了多年的习惯,却又意外地改变了,那么时间终究比爱更加强大而残酷。7.一次又一次伤害心爱的人,只有等到失去才明白珍视他们,是不是只有躲避到遥远的地方,是不是只有不恋上任何人,是不是只有每天沉浸在悔恨中才能平静度过?8.如果可以选择,我们就散开,以友谊为满足,而非纠缠下去9.多么希望我们能成为朋友,再也不会因为未来的某个瞬间而哭泣10.some disappointments are inevitable, but most of them are because you overestimated yourself11.my life is filled with countless moments of drunkenness and tears, all for you; I thought I had liked many people, but it turns out that I was just liking your shadow over and over again; only then did I realize that the feeling of missing you is heartache12.in those days, i stayed in one city without seeing you while you flew to other cities like a bird; similarly, i loved someone for years while they loved multiple people13.i still like you even though you've moved on to love others14.i know i still like you but the person i liked has changed; our time together has become unhappy and we no longer enjoy each other's company15.i thought staying wouldn't be wrong and that my sadness would be understood by you16.time will accumulate enough disappointment for me and tell me not to thank anyone17.self-deception can suddenly end when it comes to someone as important as them; yet in long lonely nights i only want to hold onto them even though they're about to leave18.we once relied on each other's shoulders now we're lost in the crowd19.there are so many numbers saved in my phonebook but when my eyes stop at your name it feels like an eternity20.those who have never cried through the night cannot speak of life21.when i grow upi won't say such stupid things anymore22.my last love is letting go of your hand23.it's often small things that truly hurt us -like that day when there was heavy rain everyone waited for an umbrella while i waited for the rain to stop24.you rarely appear in my dreams since those later years25.i fought hard trying protect someone who eventually left26.leavingyou took all my strength27.the idea that kind people are lovable may seem truebutin reality kindness often gets taken advantage off28.i can let go with a smileand forgive29.we both tried thinking about what would happen laterbutwe both knew we wouldn't see eachotheragain
