西瓜以绳络悬于井中 下午剖食 一刀下去 咔嚓有声 凉气四溢 连眼睛都是凉的
想把夏天的橘子汽水 卖给颜料用完的梵高
春天来的很慢,春 天才有浪漫。
遇见了你,什么季节都是春 天。
Summer is here. Let's talk about the mood: What a confused and restless heart!
I wish you were sunshine, carefree without any sorrow.
I want to block the summer breeze with you and watch the sunset with an orange soda taste.
We'll talk more slowly in summer.
Summer has come, and the legs of goddesses can't be hidden anymore.
Summer has late-ripened melon flavor sunsets and two or three beer-flavored stars, plus a rich wind that opens up girls' strawberry flavors of emotions.
Summer is a season for healing.
When summer comes, let's go stargazing together.
I want to spend all of summer traveling around the world with you.
Cool summers nights, windows open wide, lights on bright,
Fruits in bowls before us,
Your head on my shoulder,
These moments are so blissful throughout one day.
10. A watermelon hangs from a rope over a well,
Cut it open after lunch,
A crackling sound as it opens,
Cooling air spreading far,
11. Want to sell this summer's orange soda to Van Gogh when he runs out of paint colors.
12. About summer: Ice-cold watermelon sea salt soda; wind is gentle too; rain also gentle too.
13. Spring comes slowly but only spring has romance;
14. With you by my side, every season feels like spring;
15. The winds of summer are leaving; they're going somewhere else where they won't stop either;
16. Long time since I walked alone;
In such beautiful mornings suddenly discovering everything around me is beautiful;
17_ The gifts of this season are vivid weather and your presence;
18_ Love waking up early unseasonably;
Hearing rain outside:
19_ Lowering temperature of lemonade - an unexpected encounter in summertime;
20_ Waking up at an odd hour - hearing rain outside:
21_ Summer just blue sky mixed peach lemonade taste
22_ It was already past spring but still waiting for your arrival this year’s 24th
23* If there ever was a place we started our dreams then it would still be how we remember them
24* Sunset west mountain morning sunrise east mountain catching spring at its end life full expectation surprise
25_ Watermelon gave up on winter fell in love with ice cream _
26_ You getting closer to her than sea-salt ice cream _
27_ Two or three beer-flavored stars scattered across the sky;
28_ Bike seat clean clothes behind you back
29_. Hope mom doesn’t cut this year’s watermelon into onions garlic ginger again
30_. Is sunlight making sunny days? Or does being near make sunny days?