8.Dreams must be reimagined into unhappy content because some parts are not allowed in the second psychological step, yet they are exactly what the first psychological step desires.
9.People often spend their entire lives waiting for a new beginning, a common phenomenon.
10.The richness of life is not due to great pleasures but rather numerous hardships that have passed and been elevated to wisdom through our struggles.
11.I have seen the end of all beautiful relationships, but none are truly real.
12.When I guess the answer, I realize that everything has already passed; time has moved on to new puzzles.
13.Do not overthink things or hold them too tightly; things will break and your hands will ache.
14.Youth is fleeting like grains of sand, while aging is a long yearning for youth's return.
15.May I have old wine and dear friends many years from now.
16.You understand that by this age, no one can be anyone's entire life.
17.As you begin to rely on others and lose the ability to stand alone, you risk falling when those who depend on you leave.
18.I am no longer a weak grass swayed by winds; rooted in stone, I remain unbroken even in storms unless I give up myself.
19.Let go of pasts pasts and beginnings beginnings; change what can be changed and accept what cannot!
20.Be young once more with plenty of mistakes so as not to regret anything later – then there'll be enough food left over for an elderly man or woman with nothing else better do than enjoy their twilight years without any regrets about missed opportunities at all - it is just part of being alive!