
  • 闺蜜说说
  • 2025年02月02日
  • 1.你欺骗我,我可以放你一马。你伤我心,我可以放你一马,但你要记住:我有脾气的,不是放马的! 2.有人说讨厌我,我顿时就笑了,我活着难道是为了取悦你吗? 3.别把我的个性和态度混为一谈,我的个性是源于我是谁,而我的态度则取决于你是谁。 4.不要用你的仅存的那点个性来挑战我的脾气,因为你还不够资格! 5.想看到我低头,你得跪下才看得清楚。 6.曾经绊倒我的人,我让他永远起不来;曾经扶起我的人









8.if you want to leave, just go; but if you want to stay, then make sure you're worth it.

9.give me a reason to love you, or give me a reason to hate you - either way, I won't be indifferent.

10.i don't need your approval for my life choices; i don't need your validation for my existence.

11.you can keep talking trash behind my back; but when we face each other, silence is golden.

12.don't try to change me because that's impossible; and even if it were possible, i wouldn't let you.

13.your opinion of me doesn't matter - what matters is how i feel about myself.

14.i'm not here to impress anyone; i'm here because this is where i belong.

15.your past mistakes are not my concern; they're yours alone - so fix them yourself or live with them forever.

16.i may not be perfect, but at least i know who i am and what makes me tick - something that cannot be said about everyone else in this world.

17.you can take away everything from me except one thing: the knowledge that no one has ever had control over how much pain they could endure.

18.the only time someone really knows who they are is when they stand up against all odds and prove their strength in adversity.

19.the most important things in life aren’t those fancy titles or material possessions but the memories created along the way.

20.the best revenge against people like us? Making sure our lives are better than theirs.

