
  • 闺蜜说说
  • 2025年02月02日
  • 1、当你发现曾经爱你至深的女子,如今已是抚养三个孩子的母亲,我希望多年后,唯独没有改变的是,那些年轻时与我共享烟酒欢笑的兄弟们。 2、为何我们成为兄弟,因为我们的梦中都有翅膀,谁也未知天高地厚,而我身边总有一群酷傻的影子。 3、兄弟是我的手足,我是他们的一份子。 4、那一年,我们无忧无虑地笑着,没有压力,无拘无束。那一年,我们纯真洒脱,认为年轻就是王者之姿,是一种不懂却奔跑的人生












11.,my brother, no matter where you are, you will always be my brother.

12.,in this world, there are people who remind me that in order to succeed, I must keep flying and never give up. My dear brother, thank you for being with me on this journey.

13.,i have never seen the grasslands, i do not know how high the sky is or how vast the land is. i have never seen the white clouds on the grasslands, i do not know what it means to be carefree and pure.

14.,as more and more people around me enter society and fewer friends remain close by, i realize that we are no longer those children from yesterday.

15.,if you don't like something about me,you can choose to ignore it or pretend to be blind.

16.,brothers are those who help each other through difficult times and offer comfort when needed. they are people who cannot abandon each other in times of hardship.

17.,brothers are those who understand your pain and difficulties without needing words. they are people who rush over to help when things get tough.

18.,brothers see everything clearly and constantly remind us of our responsibilities. they hold us accountable for our actions.

19,brotherhood isn't about petty quarrels leading to a complete break-up but rather about silently carrying burdens without sharing them with others because it hurts too much just thinking about it

20,i thought you understood me so i didn't cry out in pain but instead let your sharp words pierce my heart

21,,train yourself like a wolf for sharp teeth; train yourself like a sheep for strong legs.

22,a woman's charm doesn't intimidate men; an man's strength isn't swayed by reality.

23.we were all wronged; youth destroyed our promises.

24.if i am famous with many followers but alone at heart,i would still hope someone stays by my side

25,you must understand that those who want to leave cannot be held back; nor can one wake up those pretending to sleep

26,it's not distant mountains that exhaust us but grains of sand beneath our feet

27.you may leave if you wish ; as long as you return however fierce the wind or rain ,i'll go fetch you

28.the water is too deep ;the winds too strong ;few speak of their capabilities unless they possess them

29.without my abilities,dont emulate my temper

30.life itself is training ,with both ends -a starting point & an end point
