
  • 个性签名
  • 2025年01月03日
  • 我想向你学习,微笑,微笑总是给别人带来活力和快乐。每当我看到你的笑容,我都觉得自己也能变得更好,更有活力。 我怕每天都在想你,更怕我对你的记忆太拥挤。因为你进入了我的世界,每一刻都是与你相处的时光,都让我心跳加速。 这里有一条生活建议给你。我建议你和我在一起。不是为了什么特别的理由,只是因为在一起的时候,我们都会感到非常幸福。 今天是个刮风的日子,站在风中,我的世界充满了你的味道











我无意中听到你对上帝说你不是我妻子,所以我不想让 you 背叛上帝!虽然我们可能没有宗教信仰,但请相信,无论何时,当我们彼此需要的时候,我都会在这里支持着 you.

身体很好。我可以带米袋和气罐,但 i 不能带you. 这就是为什么 i 总是那么担心your安全,因为如果有什么事情发生的话...

I want to be with you for the rest of my life. When you're sad, I'll comfort you; when you're happy, I'll be by your side.

I've already felt a kind of pain, which proves that I've really put in effort. That's how much I care about our relationship.

Don't be unhappy, not unhappy, and if you are unhappy, I'll hug you. Just like that, all my unhappiness will disappear.

Wishing my beloved one a hundred years without worry. Love is like breathing; teach me how to stop.

Love is never a balance. If you want to be happy in love, just suffer first.

Like forever? It depends on you alone; no need for eternity.

Looking at your eyes, I see the sea and blue skies; and a beautiful future!

Why do I feel so calm when there's only us together?

Every time someone thinks of me in the sky above them appears another star - thus was born the Milky Way because of your existence!

Because of You , everything makes me so happy! The best thing about any relationship is that we can both become who we are meant to be together!

If i lend u 13 u give back 14 ; if i lend u life ,u give back life . That's what this bond between us means

When everyone else is crowding around handshakes come naturally... How does that sound?

The galaxy may have been seen but it holds only one precious star - YOU

You gave me reason enough to find courage to live through all those days until now

In my heart there has always been You..only afraid or hesitant as fear of rejection before confessing...

Although i don't believe in religion...i still wanna thank God for bringing us together among millions
