无所谓我就想说无所谓 2020年霸气超拽的人生经典扎心短语
10.my personality is lazy, my hobby is to play, my special skill is to eat, my talent is to sleep.
11.you should like someone who can make you laugh, not me who always makes you cry.
12.leave what you can't keep.
13.my life depends on myself, heaven does not care.
14.those who are too picky about small things are not suitable for love, they are suitable for buying vegetables.
15.drinking the strongest alcohol, being the wildest dog, doing the toughest math problems, jumping the highest building.
16.those who are too stingy with their money will be eaten by others when they die in bed alone at night.
17.ask your future son where his father's direction is now and he will tell you it's up there (pointing to the sky).
18.someone once said that a piglet was as cute as a brick and I thought it was funny until I realized that it wasn't meant as a compliment and that I had been called an ugly name before I even knew what ugliness was because of something so trivial!
19.pig A calls itself "who", pig B calls itself "where", and pig C calls itself "what". one day while i was out walking with them near some pigs in a field,
20.don't worry if people say bad things about me; just remember that i am innocent until proven guilty!
21.i don't mind if people call me names or talk behind my back because i know that they can only do this because of jealousy!
22.i have learned from experience how to deal with difficult situations by ignoring them completely!
23.when someone says something mean about another person or group of people,
24.every time i think about what happened last night during our argument over nothing important but still managed to hurt each other deeply enough for both sides to feel sorry afterwards...i realize how much more we need forgiveness than love right now...
25.maths has failed us all; english won't help either since none of us speak well; chemistry has been forgotten; chinese hasn't been studied properly;
26.after we fought again today without any reason at all except maybe boredom?
27.once upon a time when everyone failed miserably on an exam together...the teacher asked those who thought themselves stupid enough not only once but twice why they were sitting there feeling sorry for themselves instead of standing up proudly saying something brave...
28.one day while playing hide-and-seek among tall trees near home,i accidentally stumbled upon an old hidden path leading deep into these woods which looked familiar yet unknown at first glance..but then suddenly felt compelled by curiosity & fear alike towards exploring further into this mysterious place!!