
  • 个性签名
  • 2024年12月30日
  • 1.我已经想你到10了,你自己快来吧,我绝不会辜负你的期待,让你永远留在我心中。2.其实我也想安静地学习,可是家里的WiFi像个孩子一样不断邀请我:“来玩吧,来玩吧!”3.老板花两万买了一盏水晶灯,看起来却有些不协调。4.不要等待那些无法到来的晚安,不要挤进那些无法容纳你的世界。5.新型闹钟:明天早上6点30分起床,别赖床了!6.自从换了一款包包,我再也不怕小偷了。7."


1.我已经想你到10了,你自己快来吧,我绝不会辜负你的期待,让你永远留在我心中。2.其实我也想安静地学习,可是家里的WiFi像个孩子一样不断邀请我:“来玩吧,来玩吧!”3.老板花两万买了一盏水晶灯,看起来却有些不协调。4.不要等待那些无法到来的晚安,不要挤进那些无法容纳你的世界。5.新型闹钟:明天早上6点30分起床,别赖床了!6.自从换了一款包包,我再也不怕小偷了。7."你喜欢什么样的男人?"“我喜欢笑起来会发光的男人。”“你是说如来吗?”8.我将蜕变成更强大的人,我将给予自己整个世界。9.write to my ex...10.“因为了解我的人,都想要杀了我”,所以当你骂我的时候,是因为你并不真正了解我。11.To become a cultured foodie: under the moonlight, I yearn for a bowl of thick and creamy soup; with a slender figure like yellow flowers, I remember the dish of braised meat; as early as when lotus leaves just begin to show their tips, I recall the dish of fried dough sticks with mutton and eggs; after the moon sets and the geese cry out in sorrow, surrounded by frosty clouds, I think of cooking corn with pine nuts; in spring when greenery returns to Jiangnan's banksides, waiting for you at dawn to enjoy cold noodles together; "When shall we meet again?" you ask me, but there is no answer yet...I implore heaven to shake off its lethargy;to cook pancakes with fruit while waiting for chicken skewers on street corners;in heaven may our souls be like two birds flying side by side;at home waiting patiently while others struggle in vain;12.I will never fall down before her because she still needs me to protect her.

13.Cut off your own retreats so that you can win your way more easily.

14.Some people! They talk one way in front of you and another way behind your back! Mark my words: old age will come soon enough!

15.Listening comprehension is simply listening to what they say and then asking them what they said.

16.This morning it took me 5 minutes to get up from bed - congratulations! You have defeated 88% of students nationwide - except one classmate who failed again this time!

17.The man who is handsome can confess his love properly while the ugly man who confesses his love might be considered harassment

18.My future daughter's name will be "好靓" (Beautiful) so whenever anyone sees us together they'll say "Good job on raising such an attractive girl!"

19.Attending parties comes with risks - classmates beware!

20."We really need to talk!" “Talk about what?” “Love!”
