
  • 个性签名
  • 2024年12月05日
  • 1.我曾以为我喜欢一个人吃饭,后来才发现是没有人愿意陪我共享美味的时光。2.时间不断地教会我们接受最真实的东西,它无情地剥夺了我们的幻想,让我们在现实的打磨下成长。3.不敢和你走得太近,说话都小心翼翼,怕你因为我的一句话而突然消失,不留下任何痕迹。4.隔着一层纱看人,看透的是那扭曲的心灵,还有深藏的人性细节。5.当一个女孩向你倾诉她的烦恼,并非她在寻求你的安慰



9.I am trapped in the cycle of picking up and putting down, constantly tormenting myself with the fear of losing you.

10.Love is a cup that intoxicates whoever drinks it, leaving us all helpless to resist its allure; once we've had our fill, tears are inevitable.

11.Now we both know how to avoid certain places and hurry through crowded spaces, afraid to linger or make contact lest we be reminded of what could have been.

12.The deep blue I speak of isn't the sky or the sea or oxygen—it's my desperate attempt to justify not letting go of you.

13.We still have so much ahead: untrodden waters and uncharted lands waiting for us to explore together; so many moments yet unseen on this vast canvas called life.

14.In this boundless universe where every encounter is fleeting but unforgettable—meetings that leave an indelible mark—there's no need for familiarity when strangers can find common ground in laughter shared under starry skies.

15.Although time may offer solace like a balm, healing only leaves surface wounds—the deeper scars remain etched in our hearts forever.

16.All memories connected to you will be locked away at the bottom of my heart, never again spoken aloud—a profound regret for failing to keep them safe until their end came too soon without your presence by my side

17.Loving someone makes one lose their coolness; they become vulnerable enough to cry at any moment

18.Failing to find strong reasons why I should stay brave amid your absence means I've lost touch with your gentle kindness as well; tell me if there's an end beyond those stars shining above

19.Your tricks always backfire while your deepest emotions are taken advantage of by others who claim love but don't truly understand it

20.Shouldn't we dare not be brave? When pain cuts too deep and feelings grow too heavy, what strength do we have left?

21.What seems useless now will surely prove useful later; don’t half-heartedly go through motions today

22.My heart has shattered countless times before but remained silent about it all along

23.Everyone comes and goes according as fate decrees—don’t resist nor cling on nor covet nor part from them—worry not about anything else

24.Love is simply mutual torture where neither party lets each other recover from their distress
