
  • 个性签名
  • 2025年02月25日
  • 1.一路走来,多谢冷落,感激不过。岁月流转,我们总是说要回到从前,却不知是否能够如初见面。 2.感情随着时间的沉淀而变迁,感觉随着岁月的消逝而模糊。曾以为拥有是一件不易的事情,但后来才明白放手更是难以启齿。 3.我曾经以为,只要你在,我就不会孤单。但当我摘下了面具,你却选择了离开,我才意识到真相的残酷。 4.风霜雨雪都无法磨灭我们的一身正气,也唯有勇敢地站起来才能展现我们的洒脱与自信










9.time goes by, and our hearts change; distance makes us sorrowful.Time makes us see through things, and we learn to take them lightly.

10.I apologize for not being the person you wanted me to be or for not growing into the character you liked; I haven't given you the feelings that make your heart skip a beat.

11.The pain is only known to myself, and so are the changes in my life.Do not ask how I am doing; as long as I'm still alive, it's good enough.

12.Sometimes we don't understand because we choose not to; sometimes we know but do not act because of uncertainty.You're like a phone dropped down the toilet - don't waste time feeling sorry for it; it will only disgust you in the end.

13.Distance does not always mean dislike but often stems from an overwhelming love with no other choice than resignation.

14.I don't know what exactly I'm holding onto, but I do know that all along, I've been making things difficult for myself.The passage of time brings about changes in our feelings towards people and events which once seemed important now seem insignificant after all.

15.It's alright if one falls in love with someone who doesn't return their affections - it's just a pity they didn’t give us a chance earlier on.
