11.for those who don't work hard, there are two possibilities: either they wear out their clothes from shopping at street stalls or they spend their days wandering around markets.
12 Effort is addictive once you taste success.
13 A thousand words of grand ambitions mean nothing if you don't act; even a small step can solve your basic needs and change your fate.
14 Don't imagine yourself too great; in others' eyes, no matter how well you do, you're just a supporting character.
15 You thought life was long enough to hold all your sorrows, big enough to let go of the past, and happy enough to forget regrets; but it turns out this is just your naive assumption!
16 Not everyone wants to carry your negative energy or listen to your anxiety; only those who truly love you will understand your situation. Most people just use your pain as gossip and laughter.
17 Slow living means self-sufficiency with confidence, not idleness with excuses for getting by on little effort.
18 Don't think that forwarding a few lucky posts can compare to the efforts of others who have achieved more through hard work alone.
19 He holds a script that's no simpler than the book I hold in my hands
20 Only when strong enough do we have the right to choose what we want for ourselves
21 We persist not because we are brave enough but because we have no other choice
22 Without money, how can you maintain kinship love relationships? Do these things with empty talk?
23 If you don't try harder next year's version of yourself will be exactly like today's version - older by one year; if you don’t change today’s self will remain yesterday’s self - life remains unchanged
24 Life is chosen by our own hands so must be borne by us alone
25 "If after growing up Dad and Mom are still very tired then what good is it?" 26 Don’t choose comfort during years of struggle!