
  • 个性签名
  • 2025年02月14日
  • 在沉睡时,梦姑娘飞进我的梦乡,她踩着雨点的节奏,哼着轻细而朦胧的淅沥声,由远而近地来了。 雨夜,一个令人想起优美诗词的时刻。那雨帘中,处处弥漫着诗香。远离尘世喧嚣,在古诗词的字里行间小憩片刻。 雨夜美得低调,美得让人痴迷。雨和夜,这是一个完美的结合。 我种下一粒勿忘我。本以为明天它会发芽,可它早已被雨水冲去。勿忘我的花语,恰好是忘了我。 夜能看到雨中城市的剪影,它是清晰的。 rain








风追着rain, rain赶着风, 风和rain联合起来追赶那些飘忽不定的云朵,将整个天空都笼罩在它们之中。


那是一个rainy night, 天空中下着大Raindrops,就像是从心底涌出的泪水一样湿透了整个人生。你说过你爱我,但现在只剩下这个孤独与忧伤。



In my world, 没有 Rainy days 和阴霾,只有那温暖并且能够驱走 Rainy days 和阴霾阳光,因为 I 就是我那个阳光灿烂的地方。

Rain wash away what; Rainbow after the Rain bring what. Nothing; nothing at all.

I love rainy nights. Love to stand in the rain and let myself get soaked through. Because then even if you cry nobody will know.

My heart is so tired that I don't have the strength to be angry or calculate anymore. In the moments when we say "it's okay", it's actually the hardest time.

Not belonging to me is an umbrella; I would rather walk in the rain than carry someone else's. Not belonging to me is a heart; I will never hold onto something that doesn't belong to me.

Love is a fantasy in life as vibrant as it can be painful too much sometimes walking along that beach of endless sky and not wanting to wake up from this dream ever again

The air after a rain shower exhausted with sorrow; My memories of childhood fairy tales slowly melting away like ice cream under scorching sun.

Habituated to walking without an umbrella on rainy days habituated to my world without you

Seeing rainbow after wind and rain but where are they?

The truth of sunny days and rainy ones: Sunny days reveal happy moods while rainy ones wash away all sorrows no matter whether its sunny or raining let's enjoy every day happily

I don't know what else could make you stay here with me this desolate remains of my life like an abandoned garden growing no flowers any more beautiful than wildflowers blooming anywhere

Every time there is a downpour i still think about you those moments when breathing hurts so much now gone forever...
