
  • 个性签名
  • 2025年02月16日
  • 1.雨幕落下,仿佛一场永远的告别,让我在无尽的寂静中寻觅着失去的足迹。2.曾经在雨中漫步的手prints现在只留下回忆,那些被风吹散的梦想与你同行。3.我的心灵随着每一滴雨水而飘散,却不愿让它们触碰到你的温暖。4.彩虹总是那么遥不可及,而我,在这无边的大海里,只能任由风暴淋湿我的灵魂……5.拾起那些迷雾般的记忆,雨夜里的我们渐渐清晰起来,那些刻骨铭心的情感,让它永远冰封于时间之中…6


1.雨幕落下,仿佛一场永远的告别,让我在无尽的寂静中寻觅着失去的足迹。2.曾经在雨中漫步的手prints现在只留下回忆,那些被风吹散的梦想与你同行。3.我的心灵随着每一滴雨水而飘散,却不愿让它们触碰到你的温暖。4.彩虹总是那么遥不可及,而我,在这无边的大海里,只能任由风暴淋湿我的灵魂……5.拾起那些迷雾般的记忆,雨夜里的我们渐渐清晰起来,那些刻骨铭心的情感,让它永远冰封于时间之中…6.无法忘怀那场狂风暴雨,它们在我身上、心里留下的痕迹犹如永恒。7.如果他总是为他人撑伞,你又何必为了他等待在这冷漠的天空下?8.月半夜未眠,零时阴霾降临,枫叶纷飞落满地9. 雨轻抚流年,以淡淡忧伤为乐章10东京下的细雨似乎也能湿透巴黎11Raindrops带着忧伤轻轻敲打12等待那把伞,是宿命13你的泪水围绕了我的世界,你的心痛是一场难以终止的rain14风停后,只剩尘埃和遗忘,我独自醒来,一场rain, a lone umbrella, a deserted street, and one person's lonely journey15宁愿独自奔跑于大雨之中,不愿投入你虚假拥抱16Rainfall is God weeping17 rain falls silently, ripples form in my heart; the cold wind blows softly, reminding me of past pain18当步子停下来,在这个充满忧伤的声音里发现原来连rain都可以这样悲伤19旧故里草木深处,我听见了一种声音,但始终是一个人20 Rain teases who's stubborn21 What kind of sky? What kind of rain? How about me? You'll always miss...22 After the storm passes, there may not be a beautiful sky; after loneliness ends, there may not be fear23 Let this tear-filled rain wash away everything...24 I hold an umbrella not just to avoid the rain; you will never understand what I'm thinking25 So don't worry about me being sad; I have my own beauty waiting to begin26 A light drizzle fell on the vast crowd like tears from above; it shattered and began to fall in my eyes as the rainy season for sorrow started27 The most beautiful thing isn't when it rains but when you're with me under an eaves29 On rainy days only I hold an umbrella while your shadow disappears30 Yesterday it rained and today it cleared up - our love was just like that31 It still rains alone32 When it rains outside but inside too...33 Against the evening rainfall washing over Jiangshan 34 In autumn clear skies bring down all manner of things 35 The sound of rain overwhelms my emotions and sweeps away hasty love36 I know where rainbow bridges are formed after heavy rainfall but forget how rough roads become37 Can't find a favorite umbrella so let myself get wet instead
