
  • 个性签名
  • 2025年02月14日
  • 1.时间能治愈一切,请给时间一点耐心。2.生活在逆境中依然有追求梦想的权利。3.若美好迟迟未到,不要失去希望,最好的总是在不经意间出现,你的幸福只是慢慢来,别忘了现在努力,未来的事交由岁月。4.如果你觉得太疲惫了,就安静地休息一会儿,不必过于自责,我知道你也曾是如此拼搏,现在你已经很优秀了!5.任何事情都有它值得珍惜的一面,即使不是,也说明还没有看到最终结果。6.人生中,你需要掌握的是:该开始的




10.you know what the greatest weapon of humanity is? It's unwavering determination.

11.you should love this world, these people, these flowers and even yourself instead of being trapped in a small romance that holds you back from experiencing life fully.

12.it doesn't matter; everyone will make mistakes in love, cry unexpectedly, and sometimes break down on the street but that won't stop us from watching sunsets or feeling the wind; it will all pass eventually.

13.happiness comes from three things: someone who loves you, something to do and something to look forward to.

14.some things aren't persisted because we see hope but because we choose to hold on for hope to appear later.

15.because winter is cold and gloomy so let your heart be warm and bright

16.in the future I won't wait for anything not even if you are there waiting

17.be forever wild forever romantic forever clear existence

18.sometime someone clings onto your guilt without mercy but there are those who don't care about your past they cross mountains just to protect you just like how there's always dawn after a long night

19.because there's a dream in my heart so darkness has light far away with no end point chasing after light makes me closer to it too! 20.one star falling can't dim an entire sky one flower wilting can't ruin an entire spring

21.have big or small expectations so life won't be dull while chasing after light you're also light!

22.want a twilight full of wind as well as sunset when wheat is ripe smoke rises high if that white dove flies over water close enough resting on one reed which happens ready with a song for me such would suffice for loving this broken earth
