做一个平凡而执着的人,用谦逊去面对世界,用无畏的心去追逐梦想。eight you!
忽略那些风言风语,只要有勇气,就像鹰一样冲破云雾飞翔直达蓝天。你值得拥有更多,那些只是幻觉而已——eight, hello!
13.?别让现实挡住你的脚步,因为最终决定一切的是你的决心。一路加油!seven goodbye, eight welcome!
14.?崭新的我,在等待着我的第一个“new”——eight month's arrival.
16.?愿每一天都灿烂如阳光,让我们成为积极乐观、充满正能量的人物团队— seven farewell, eight hello!
17?从痛苦中醒来的那刻,我知道七个礼拜已经过去了,但请让我感受一下这个新的时间节点— eight, hi there!
18?行动力就是力量,当痛苦无法触及时,最重要的是行动起来 —- eight month ahead!
19??命运虽复杂,却始终掌握在自己手中— seven goodbye, eight welcome! Let's seize the day and shape our own destiny.
20??人们总是这样分开,从相聚的一瞬起,便注定离别— seven farewell to you in August.
21??让美好的事物降临于我,也给予我爱的人和被爱之人的善良 —- July out, August in! Welcome to a new chapter of life and love.
22..请珍惜那些爱你并且真正关心你的人们 —– July out; August in with all my heart for those who truly care about me and make my life worth living.
23?.只要方向正确,就比站在原地更接近幸福 —- Eight months ahead: may we reach our goals with joy and perseverance!
24?.因为没有重量,所以难以提起,更难以放下 —– Seven goodbyes; Eight hellos to cherish each moment shared.
25?.把不愉快留给过往,把祝福带入未来的门槛 —– Farewell to the bitter memories of last month; Hello to the bright hopes of this one!
26..Each month is worthy of both a gentle farewell and an enthusiastic embrace – Goodbye July; Hello August with open arms!
27..有一种哀伤只能默默流泪,却不能大声哭泣—— Seven gone by quietly; Eight arrived softly...
28..为了赶上父母老去的脚步,我们必须加倍努力 - Good luck this coming week/month/year... May your dreams be fulfilled at every step.
29..希望时间不要匆忙离开,让我们珍惜现在这一刻 -- A gentle reminder that time should be savored as it flies by like sand between fingers.
30?.存下的勇气,请勿辜负它,它是我对你的承诺 --- This courage I've saved for you must not be wasted or forgotten.
31?.舒服胜过将就,是生活智慧的一个真理 --- In pursuit of happiness lies comfort over convenience - Happy Living Ahead!
32..白日忙碌、夜深人静,这才是完美的一周 --- For a fulfilling week: busy days & peaceful nights filled with hope & promise
33?.我的梦还未死,我绝不会放弃--- Don't let go when all seems lost - keep chasing your dreams until they're within reach
34?.不是对你好,而是我一直在这里 --- It's not about how others treat us but about how we hold on through thick & thin - Here I stand
35 ..生快哦,每一次努力,都可能开花结果 -- Live well while keeping faith that hard work will bloom into success
36 ..坚强一人,与谁无关,但有你们使其更加完整 -- To stay strong alone is noble but having friends makes it even more meaningful
37 ?.整个July感觉很慢,可到了August,还没等习惯呢… The passage from summer warmth to autumn breeze brings change anew...
38 ? Action speaks louder than words – Keep pushing forward when doubts assail thee
39 ?.You are part of what makes these moments so precious – Cherish them now before they fade away...
40 ?.The sweetness spills over as joy overwhelms me – Life unfolds like a garden where love blooms forth...