11.my 纹身就是带着pain 的faith,而pain 是my faith 的important part,没有pain 就没有deepness,没有pain 就没有burial.
12.my pain 在皮肤里沉浸,让我们清醒,那些放浪形骸般放縱,只是在灵魂深处颤栗着洒脱。
13.my tattoo 是帅气个性,只要这辈子不悔:否则,如果要去除,将发现已经千疮百孔,那是不可能抺掉,不可能抛弃的心记忆。
14.i 也有的tattoo,只不过你们不知道,因为你们喜欢把它画在皮肤上,我喜欢把它刻在骨头上。
15.my broken heart, my wavering heart, my disappearing love, like a tattoo that cannot be erased.
16.the most beautiful tattoo in the world is just the mark I left on your heart.
17.tattoos are permanent marks or designs that are created by piercing or cutting and filling with ink to leave a lasting impression on the skin.
18.i don't like any kind of conformity or following the crowd; i express freedom through tattoos; i express myself through tattoos.
19.like an endless road without return, eventually covering my body with tattoos, those spreading in blood make me look new again.
20.some scars record past events; some scars remind oneself of something important - each memory's end point and every tattoo taken note of it as such.
21.tattoos can be considered minor surgery, so hygiene is crucial for equipment used during this process.
22.i don't like any kind of conformity or following the crowd; i express freedom through tattoos; i express myself through tattoos.
23.there is no eternal emotion nor unchanging vows except for tattoos - they remain fresh over time.
24.scar tissue may be the original form of tattooing - it proves you once tried hard and passed a test.
25.it's said that when washing off shallowly leaves an imprint while deeply leaves scarring... nothing will revert to its initial state… isn't it like carving into one's bones memories of love now lost?