
  • 个性签名
  • 2025年01月31日
  • 1.我纹身,带着痛感的信仰,痛是深刻的证明,没有痛,就没有埋葬。2.纹身是我无声的宣言,一种有形态度的表达。3.原来,这个世界上真的有那么一种人,他们染头发,他们纹身,那些不过是他们保护色的一部分。4.一边喝酒,一边纹身,没有为梦想经历过痛苦的人生才是最痛苦的人生。5.我纹身、抽烟、喝酒、说脏话,但我知道我是一个好姑娘。6.你对我来说,如同我的刺青一般,真正分开的时候,连带着血肉一同剥离



8.据说洗浅了留印儿,洗深了留疤总之不会回到最初的样子,是不是像刻骨铭心爱过,却不得不被毁掉的情感?9.my tattoo, a symbol of my faith and the pain that comes with it is what makes it so meaningful.

10.stabbing into the skin, leaving a permanent mark, just like how some experiences leave an indelible mark on our hearts and minds.

11.my tattoos are not just for show; they're a way for me to express myself and my beliefs without having to conform to societal norms or expectations.

12.the process of getting inked can be painful but it's a small price to pay for the sense of self-expression and individuality it brings.

13.i have tattoos because i want to leave my mark on this world in more ways than one; i want people to remember me long after i'm gone.

14.i don't believe in conforming or following trends; i'd rather create my own path through life by expressing myself through art – specifically tattoos!

15.some scars never fully heal but they serve as reminders of our past experiences, much like how tattoos remain as symbols of our present selves even after time passes by

16.just as a tattoo artist leaves their mark on your body, you leave your mark on theirs - forever connected in that moment when pain turns into beauty

17.a tattoo is not just about aesthetics; it's about telling your story through art and letting others see who you truly are beneath the surface

18.some memories may fade over time but those marked by ink stay with us forever - serving as visual reminders of where we've been
