
  • 个性签名
  • 2025年01月31日
  • 1.我纹身,就是带着痛感的信仰,而痛恰是纹身重要的一部分,没有痛,就没有深刻,没有痛,就没有埋葬。2.我纹身是一个无声的宣言,一个有形的态度。3.原来,这个世界上真的有那么一种人。我染头发,我纹身,那些不过是我的保护色。4.一边喝啤酒,一边纹身。没有为梦想经历过痛苦过的人生才是最痛苦的人生。5.我纹身、抽烟、喝酒、说脏话,但我知道我是好姑娘。6.你对我如同纹身一般,真正分开的时候


1.我纹身,就是带着痛感的信仰,而痛恰是纹身重要的一部分,没有痛,就没有深刻,没有痛,就没有埋葬。2.我纹身是一个无声的宣言,一个有形的态度。3.原来,这个世界上真的有那么一种人。我染头发,我纹身,那些不过是我的保护色。4.一边喝啤酒,一边纹身。没有为梦想经历过痛苦过的人生才是最痛苦的人生。5.我纹身、抽烟、喝酒、说脏话,但我知道我是好姑娘。6.你对我如同纹身一般,真正分开的时候,连带着血肉一同剥离,等到痊愈,还留下了深深不可恢复的痕迹。7.我的每一次刺青都是极有意义而又无比正式的事情,就像是一种信仰,支撑你继续生活的信仰。8.据说我的刺青洗浅了留印儿,洗深了留疤。这总不会回到最初的样子,是不是像刻骨铭心爱过,却不得不被毁掉的情感?9.刺青,在皮肤上涂抹的是切入骨髓的信仰。你看那妖娆肆意放浪,却颤栗着灵魂深处洒脱之意吗?10.my body is not just a canvas for tattoos, it's also a battlefield of scars and memories, where every mark tells a story of its own.

11.my tattoos are like my memories, they are permanent and unerasable.

12.the pain I endured during the tattooing process was like the price I paid for my freedom.

13.i don't have tattoos on my skin but in my bones; i wear them as badges of honor that cannot be erased or hidden.

14.my love life has been like a tattoo artist at work - it leaves marks that can never be fully removed.

15.you may think you know me by looking at my tattoos, but you have no idea how deeply they scarred me inside out.

16.tattoos are more than just ink on skin; they're symbols of our stories and experiences that we carry with us forever.

17.i am not one to follow rules or trends; i express myself through tattoos because it's who i am and what i believe in.

18.tattoos are not just art on the surface; they represent our struggles, our triumphs, and our identities.

19.some wounds heal with time while others leave lasting scars - much like the impact of certain events in our lives.

20.every scar tells a story about who we were before and what we've become since then.

21.getting a tattoo is more than just putting ink on your skin; it's an experience that shapes your identity forever after.

22.it doesn't matter if people understand or approve of your tattoos - what matters most is how you feel about them yourself.

23.scar tissue grows back stronger than ever after healing from injuries - much like how some relationships can strengthen over time despite their initial challenges.

24.a true artist doesn't need to explain their work to anyone else because those who truly appreciate it will see beyond superficialities.

25.your body is your temple where each piece of art serves as testament to your journey so far.

26.there isn't anything quite as beautiful as witnessing someone embrace their unique identity without fear.

27.in this world full of conformity & imitation there exists few souls brave enough to defy norms & carve their own paths through self-expression via indelible marks upon their bodies

28.each line etched onto one's flesh carries weight & significance akin to chapters within an autobiography.

29.tattoo artists aren't merely technicians creating pretty designs – they're storytellers weaving tales into flesh using needles as brushes.

30.just as watercolor paintings require patience & gentle strokes so too do intricate designs carved into human canvases demand persistence & dedication

31.by choosing this path many people find solace in knowing nothing could ever erase these tangible manifestations of love/hate/faith/anger etc., which make up part
