
  • 个性签名
  • 2025年01月31日
  • 1.我纹身,带着痛感的信仰,而痛恰是纹身重要的一部分,没有痛,就没有深刻,没有痛,就没有埋葬。2.我有一个无声的宣言,一个有形的态度。3.原来,这个世界上真的有那么一种人。我染头发,我纹身,那些不过是我保护色。4.一边喝啤酒,一边纹身。我知道我是好姑娘,但我喜欢我的方式:烟、酒、刺青和粗口。5.你之于我,如同纹身一般,当我们分开时,我留下了深刻不可磨灭的痕迹,就像伤害过的人们无法忘记过去一样。6






10.my scars are my tattoos, and they tell the story of who I am, where I've been, and what I've endured.

11.my tattoos are my identity; they represent my experiences, my struggles, and my triumphs.

12.I don't like following rules or conforming to societal norms; instead, I express myself through tattoos.

13.my tattoos are a permanent reminder of the pain and struggle that has shaped me into who I am today.

14.some memories leave scars that never fully heal; others leave indelible marks on our souls.

15.tattoos may fade with time but their meaning remains forever etched in our hearts like an indelible mark from past love affairs we can never forget nor erase completely from memory as it is just too painful to let go off them completely even after years have passed by since then till now in this present moment now as well still always will be so evermore indeed for sure forevermore everlastingly without fail or end until death do us part which is the final ending point for all living things in life on earth planet blue green brown red yellow orange purple pink black white silver gold copper bronze iron carbon silicon oxygen nitrogen hydrogen helium neon argon krypton xenon radon mercury cadmium lead tin zinc chromium molybdenum tungsten ruthenium rhodium iridium osmium platinum gold palladium silver mercury cadmium lead tin zinc chromium molybdenum tungsten ruthenium rhodium iridium osmium platinum gold palladium silver mercury cadmium lead tin zinc chromium molybdenum tungsten ruthenium rhodium iridium osmium platinum
