
  • 个性签名
  • 2025年01月31日
  • 1.我认为纹身是一种带着痛苦的信仰,痛苦是纹身深刻和持久的证明,没有痛感,就没有真正的体验,没有痛感,就无法真正地表达自己。 2.我的纹身是一种无声的宣言,它通过在皮肤上留下图案,向世界展示了我的态度和个性。 3.我发现,有些人选择染发或纹身,这并不是为了改变自我,而是他们的一种保护色,他们希望通过这些方式来隐藏自己的真实情感。 4.当我在享受美好时光同时进行纹身时,我明白了一个道理












11.my body is my temple, and the tattoos are my prayers.

12.pain is beauty, as long as it's not permanent.

13.tattoos may be cool or bold, but they are also a reminder of our past experiences and memories that we can't erase or remove.

14.i have tattoos too, just like you do; only mine are ineradicable because they're on my bones instead of skin.

15.my heartbreaks are like waves that crash against the shore; my love stories fade away like smoke in the wind - both leave indelible marks on me just like tattoos do.

16.the most beautiful tattoo i ever saw was one etched into someone's heart by yours truly - it never fades nor loses its luster over time.

17.tattoos are permanent marks made on skin using ink to create lasting designs or images through piercing or cutting techniques to raise bumps under the skin surface

18.i don't follow any rules nor conform with others' standards for living life freely & expressing myself uniquely through tattoo artistry

19.some scars remain forever after healing from wounds inflicted upon us while chasing dreams that ultimately change who we become at core level

20.some scars tell our past stories while some remind us where we've been and what we've learned along way

21.before getting a tattoo, cleanliness matters most due to potential infection risks during this procedure

22.no conformity here! I live life on own terms & express self thru tattoo artistry —— no boundaries set by society for me!

23.nothing lasts forever except perhaps your memory of how much pain you endured during your first session

24.scar tissue serves as proof that something once hurt deeply enough for change to occur within ourselves now standing testament of growth/learning process experienced
