
  • 个性签名
  • 2025年01月31日
  • 1.我纹身,就是带着痛感的信仰,而痛恰是纹身重要的一部分,没有痛,就没有深刻,没有痛,就没有埋葬。2.我的纹身是一个无声的宣言,一个有形的态度。3.原来,这个世界上真的有那么一种人。我染头发,我纹身,那些不过是我的保护色。4.一边喝啤酒,一边纹身。没有为梦想经历过痛苦过的人生才是最痛苦的人生。我知道我是好姑娘,但我也知道自己不是完美无瑕的。5.你之于我,如同纹身一般,真正分开的时候






9.my tattoo is like a permanent mark or design, through piercing and scratching on the skin to leave a mark that cannot be erased by any means.

10.My tattoos are not just for show; they're symbols of my experiences, my beliefs, and my identity... I don't need anyone else's approval to know that I am beautiful in my own way.

11.The pain of getting tattooed is what makes it meaningful - it's a reminder of the sacrifices we make for our passions.

12.A tattoo is more than just an image on your skin; it's a representation of who you are and what you stand for.

13.I have tattoos because I believe in expressing myself through art, and there's no better canvas than my own body.

14.Tattoos are not just about aesthetics; they're about telling stories, sharing experiences, and connecting with others who share similar interests or beliefs.

15.Tattoos can be seen as permanent scars from life events that have shaped us into who we are today - painful but necessary reminders of our growth and transformation over time

16.The most beautiful part about having tattoos isn't the ink itself but how they bring people together based on shared experiences or interests

17.Getting tattoos has helped me embrace imperfections & become more comfortable with myself - flaws & all
